Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I finally finished my first official quilt!

I finally finished my first quilt!  It is a small quilt I started in my quilting class back in October.  I had everything done but the border.  We didn't have time (and I brought the wrong material) to do the border in class, so she sat down with me and explained how to do it, even gave me a book.  The only problem is that my ADD brain can't learn stuff like that from a book.  I have to see it.  So of course I messed up on it!  I didn't fold it in half to begin with and could not figure out what to do after I folded it over to the other side.  So the back side is kind of wonky.
I even added three tabs in the back on top in case my stepmom wanted to use it as a wall hanging instead.
I found a video yesterday that shows how to put a border on a quilt, looks so easy!
Here it is:

I consider this my first quilt, since I had it mostly finished before the rag quilt.  LOL  I was going to add a pink border, but decided to go with the green that matched my squares.

On another note - look what my husband got me for Christmas!
He got me a new camera!  Now I can actually see the pictures I'm trying to take since the view screen had gone out on my other camera!
I hope ya'll had a merry Christmas!


  1. I am totally impressed. What a beautiful 1st quilt. You did a wonderful job. I love the design. I have trouble attaching the backs to my quilts and ends up with wonky's (I like that word) too. They make a large piece of equipment called a Tin Lizzie for attaching and sewing your backing fabric on. It would make the job a lot easier, but the equipment is very long and on the expensive size.
    Do you have plans for another quilt?
    A new camera??? That is exciting, hopefully you will be sharing more pictures this coming year.
    Oh, I couldn't miss the penguin wrapping paper on your gifts. When I see anything with penguins on it I think of you.
    I enjoyed reading another on you blogs. Always well written and interesting.

  2. Wow, Missy, you did an amazing job on your first quilt! It's just beautiful and you must be feeling quite accomplished!

    Wishing you all the best for a wonderful and creative 2012!


  3. If my first quilt looks half as good as this, I'll be more than happy!!!


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