Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lots of thread

My husband wanted me to sew him a pair of pajamas for Christmas.  I have not had the time to make them yet though.  I was really stressing about it, and finally decided that I would much rather have a clean house for Christmas then sew something else.  I let him know last night and he was fine with it.  I will get them made though and they will look a lot better since I won't be rushing them.  I did pay a friend to make a pair of crocheted slippers for him though.  I started them last year and gave up.
 Does anyone else have a tendency to put off housework while sewing?  My house is a mess since I was trying to finish up Christmas gifts.
Today I HAVE to finish cutting 8 blocks for a quilt since half of them are going to my friend for her to sew on the quilt we are working on together.
I also need to get my lesson together for my children's class at church tonight.  The only thing I have done on that so far is printed out the memory verse.  I also bought two packs of foam snowflakes.  I am going to put their names on them and let them decorate them with glitter then I'll put them up on a bulletin board.
After I finish that stuff I think it would be a good idea to finish my laundry and get it hung up.  Right now I have a pile on my couch.
Then I should probably make supper for my husband, I'm thinking of some sort of taco pie thingy.  I'm not sure.  I have some healthy corn tortillas and hamburger meat. 
Of course church is tonight (my church is small and we have church services at odd times LOL)
Tomorrow I'm babysitting one of Muffin's and Tiger's nephews.  Did I mention that half the cats in my church are related?  LOL
I also need (want) to make a White Christmas Pie.  I love this pie!  If you like coconut pie, you'll love this!
My step mom said she had some extra thread she was going to send in my Christmas box which came yesterday.  I opened the box and underneath the presents look what I found!
Wow!  How awesome is that?  Yes, I do excited about thread!  LOL  80 spools of thread and 6 serger threads!  What a blessing, I won't have to buy thread for quite a while!  Praise the Lord!  There are even old wooden spools.  I love those!  When we move and I get my sewing room I have some things I want to do with those.  I still need more though, but I have about a year to collect them.
Sorry about the lack of useful information today, but I just had to share!  I will slow down tomorrow, just need to finish cleaning the house.  We are opening our presents on Saturday since we have church Sunday morning.  I'll put the turkey on before we leave and ask the cats to keep it an eye on it for me. 
Do you think she'll be much help?  Yeah, me neither!
Have a Merry Christmas and be sure to remember that everything does not have to be perfect, the important thing is to remember it is all about Christ, not us and gifts.


  1. I tend to let my house go when I'm busy sewing too. There's just not enough hours in a day sometimes.
    How nice of your step-mom to send you all that thread. You can never have too much thread. You will love having a sewing room. It is so much easier to have a dedicated room for sewing. I bet Chris will be happy with new PJ's after Christmas.... Your cats might eat that turkey before you get home from Church. lol God Bless you Missy.

  2. Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference. Sewing notions always make me happy! :)

    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

  3. Our home is embarassing neglected when I get in sewing mode! I tell myself that it's all about priorities...the cleaning will keep while I make beautiful things that put smiles on people's faces! That's my story and I'm sticking to it:)

    Hope your Christmas was merry and bright,



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