Monday, April 30, 2012

Design "Wall" Monday

This is my first post with a design "wall"!  Well, it's not actually a wall, but a floor covered with a sheet since I have baking soda on my carpets and want to leave it on ALL day before I vacuum, but I really wanted to write this post and did not want to wait. (I know it is a run-on sentence, but that is how I usually talk, and really fast when I'm excited) Remember my hexagons that I started cutting here: ?  I have been hand piecing them together.  I decided to go with the traditional method of just sewing them together instead of using paper piecing.  I think next time I will try the paper piecing for a crisper look though.
This is what I have done so far

I still need to add the second layer of hexies to my top flowers, and I have several more cut out.  I didn't plan it this way, but I love how the orange brings out the orange in the tabbies, the purple brings out the purple in the flowers, the green brings out the green in the leaves, and the blue brings out the hints of blue in the sky.  I was not sure if these colors would work at first (it is what I had in my stash), but I'm loving it.  I was going to do all purple flowers, but I'm glad I didn't now.  This way the panel is still stand alone.  I'm also surprised how FAST the flowers are coming together since I have not had much time to work on it.
 It looks like my throw is going to be twin sized!
I'm thinking of having just one layer of blue between each flower, since my flowers are so big.  They are 16 inches!  My hexies are 3 1/2 inches. How many flowers should I make?  Should I make 12 and have six on top and six on the bottom? I have "extras" that were left over after doing a set of colors, like 3 purples which is not enough for more flowers, a lot of neutrals, and some of every color.  I was thinking of using them to make a single line border (around the quilt) of all the hexies with the colors all mixed together, and then a border of blue hexies, before finishing it off.  I have another purple that came with theses batiks that i can cut if needed.  What do you think?  I have no idea what I'm doing and am just making it up as I go.  Any suggestions are welcomed.   I'm also not sure how to add the border, do I just cut the sides to make them even after stitching or do I cut the blues in half before stitching them on?
As you can tell, Pippi had to pose for the camera as soon as I put my material down - silly girl.
Happy Quilting,

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Muslin Dress

I have finished another one of my UFO'S (unfinished objects).  I have a list here: .I have joined the challenge from Patchwork Times, here is the link  .  I finished number 6. (I'm totally off from the numbers she picks) I might have cheated a little, because I did not make it for me, instead I made it for a girl at church.  I had printed the tutorial off and put it in a notebook and she saw the dress and wanted it.  I made it for her last week and here is the outcome

I forgot my camera and had to take the picture with my phone, sorry about the quality.  She wanted to wear for her special at camp meeting, her dad (my pastor) wrote the song "Righteous Rebels".
Here is a better video of their song.  Their mom is singing an original song written by herself.  Then their dad is preaching on "Raising Righteous Rebels"  Be sure to check it out, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.  My Pastor also wrote the song the girls sang.
The top two ruffles are the material cut out from the scoop on the sleeves.  I just hemmed the curvy part, loosely gathered it and then sewed it on with the top tier.  I had the lace and really liked the feminine look it adds to the plain tan muslin  I used.  I made the two middle ruffles using my ruffle foot.  I used three yards of material and have just enough material left to make the fabric flowers.  I did not have time to finish them since she wanted it for Camp Meeting.  You can find the tutorial here:  I kept the measurements pretty much the same, the bottom two tiers I kept as one piece of fabric instead of cutting into two pieces, saved time that way.
I used the pattern for the top of my Lila Tueller dress
 ( )
I used the size two.  I love the way the dress turned out!  Her mom wants one too now!  LOL
Be sure to check out the tute and let me know if you make one!
BTW Tabitha was nice enough to share her flu with me at camp meeting so I've been sick since I've been home, but at least I didn't get it until Thursday and did not miss any of the meetings.  I had a great time!
Check out some great music and messages from the camp meeting here

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Demos from the TOGA

We had several demos of different blocks to make at the TOGA.  (Go here for more info and to see pictures of the treadles and hand cranks )
The first demo was from Margaret and she showed us how to make tessellating pinwheels.  Isn't this quilt gorgeous?  When I make one I will be using lots of bright colors.
 You start off with sewing a bunch of squares together with a wide border.  The red border becomes a border in the main quilt also.  (see above and below for examples)  You can sew together a bunch of 5 inch squares (like she did) with a 6 inch border or 10 inch squares with an 11 inch border.  (layer cake squares)
 Then you use either a 3.5 inch square ruler or 8 inch square ruler (or you can cut a template) depending on the size of your squares.
 She gave us a template to mark the lines on the ruler.  Then you match up the seams on your sewn blocks with the lines on the ruler and cut a square.
 You just keep going and place the squares together until you form a pinwheel.
 Can you believe how easy that went together?

 Here is another finished one, don't you love how the colors blend?  When I make one (it will be a while) I'll do up a tutorial, meanwhile, I'm sure you can find directions online.
 Pat showed us how to make 3d flying geese with only one seam
 If you use 3 inch squares your rectangle should be 5 1/2 by 3 inches. I thought I took notes, but can't find them.  She made it look so easy!
 Don't these look great?
 I loved Sue's bag!
 Sue showed us how to make 3d bowties.  She started with 5 inch squares.
 I took notes, but when I looked at them, they don't make sense now, I guess I forgot a few steps!  LOL
 Here are several variations she made.

I also learned how to make a snap bag, but just realized I forgot to take a picture.  Several ladies and girls at church want me to teach how to make one, so I'll show that later.  
I learned so much on Saturday!  Sorry about the half and non-existent directions!
Have fun!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

TOGA 2012

I went to the North East TX TOGA (treadle on gathering academy) on Saturday.  It was in Lone Oak, TX out in the country.  GPS had us take the long way on the dirt roads to get there.  It took us straight to an empty field!  LOL  We did finally make it.
 I did not know what to expect since I had never been to one before.  Some people brought treadles, heads, hand cranks, vintage machines, accessories, etc. to sell.
 There were even some $5 heads there.  Just because it is old, does not mean it is worth a lot of money.
 I have lots of pictures for you to look at.  It was also a quilting retreat and people brought stuff with them to work on.  Next year I'm going by myself and staying both days.

 These are parlor cabinets.  I forgot to open one so you could see inside.  They have treadles inside.
 Here I am working on my machine.  Margaret helped me learn how to thread it and wind the shuttle and get my bobbin winder working.  She was such a blessing!

 Here are some treadles that were there.  For the most part people brought hand cranks to work on.

 I sewed on this one, and it was so smooth.  It sewed like a dream.  I have a video demonstrating it, I'll share in another post.
 Here are a couple of hand cranks with a more "modern" look.

 There was even a couple of old Berninas there.

 Look at the beautiful decals on this one!

 This is an electric machine.  It is called a chain stitcher.  It made beautiful decorative stitches.  Yes, somebody was selling this one!  I got to sew on this one too, but just a line.

 I need a dental pick like this, you would not believe all the crud it scraped off my machine even after all of the hours I spent cleaning it!
 My poor machine looks terrible, everybody else's were so pretty.  This is my bobbin winder with my bobbin in it.  Since I have a vibrating shuttle it does not look like a normal bobbin.
 I got to sew on this hand crank!  I made the bag there on it.  You would not believe the perfect, even stitches!  I want one, but of course it will be a while before I can afford to buy one.
I have a couple more posts to share, but thought this one was long enough!  I hope you enjoyed looking at all these great machines!
Keep treadling,