Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cutting Hexagons

 I was at a local thrift store a few months ago.  I found this panel for a couple of dollars.  Isn't it pretty?  I'm keeping this quilt.  I thought it would be pretty to make some Grandma's Flower Garden blocks with hexagons.  Since I will be traveling quite a bit in the next few months I wanted something to keep my hands busy in the car.  I will be hand piecing this quilt so it will take a long time for me to finish it!
 My template is 3 1/2 inches wide, so I cut 3 1/2 inch strips.  This way I already had two sides of my hexagons cut.
 At first I tried just using my rotary cutter and cutting around the template.
 I found the perfect template at Joann Fabrics.  I found it easier to trace the template with a disappearing marker.
 Then when I cut I basically cut an x to separate the hexagons.  Did that make sense?

 I've been trying to not buy any material, unless I find a great deal at a thrift store or yard sale.  I found this nice navy blue material for $2, it is probably 2-4 yards.
 I had the batiks in my stash and the neutral is one of the Jane Spolar materials I won.  What do you think of the colors?  The neutral will be the centers of the flowers.   The navy will be the background.  I would like your opinion.
 Of course Pippi and Tiger wanted to help me
 For my backing, I really want to use this soft green flannel, it is so soft but it does not match.  The purple flowers will probably be my backing unless ya'll think it will be okay to use the green?  This will be a throw that I will carry on trips and keep in my living room so it will be seen a lot!
 Isn't Tiger just beautiful?
Do not ever buy a rotary cutter like this, I hate it.  I bought it last August and while I was trying to cut my material it kept popping back in.  Not to mention the blades are so dull it won't even cut cotton anymore.
 My husband surprised me with a new one after I mentioned in an instant message (he was at work)about my rotary cutter.  It matches my sewing machine cover!

 The only thing I could find to mark my 1/4 inch seam is a very sharp pencil.  Since I will be hand stitching it I need to have it marked on the pieces.  Make sure you only mark on the wrong side of the fabric because despite what people say, pencil is NOT washable.  I have the jumper to prove it.
 I am keeping the separate colors in baggies and I counted each hexagon, so far I have cut over 100, this will make 20 flowers.  I still need to cut 20 neutrals for the center of the flowers.  I'll see how many I get sewn on Saturday on the way to the TOGA and back.  I'll start cutting the navy next week.  I really have no idea how many flowers I need, I am coming up with my pattern in my head.
I really do not know what I am doing so I am open for suggestions and please help me decide which background fabric to use!  I don't want to do the paper piecing right now, I might try it sometime in the future though.


  1. Do the cats help you? I'll never forget cutting material on the floor and having a box of straight pins on the floor and one of the cats kept dumping them onto a carpet!!!

  2. This is gonna be beautiful! Love your helpers too! I found you on Cheri's blog hop, and am your newest follower, will you follow me back?

  3. That's a great idea for the backing! I've made a couple of quilts where I used vintage tablecloths for the backing.


  4. Very creative ~ love the colors ~ I would suggest either a navy or a green that blends with your colors ~ but if you like the softness of material you have ~ use it by all means ~ enjoy your traveling ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  5. Wow- creative and beautiful. I love your fabric choices and the quick cuts your are making. Can't wait to see the end result.

  6. This is going to be beautiful! So what jobs did Pippi and Tiger get assigned to? :-) I hope you enjoy all your upcoming travels! This will be a great way to pass the time. Tiger looks identical to my cat, Jasmine. Same color, markings, etc except she's a short haired cat. :-)

  7. thank you very much for the pattern. i will let you know when i get it

  8. Missy I have loved reading your posts and enjoy your blog. I have chosen you to receive one of the Liebster Blog Award I am passing along. You can read more about it here: Congrats!! :-)

  9. Hi,Missy! You are going to have so much fun with your hexies!! And here's a tip - if you can find Frixion erasable pens, made by Pilot (check at Staples or Office Max), you can write on fabric with them. When you iron it, the markings disappear!! It will only return if you freeze the fabric. They work great for marking seam allowances, quilting designs, etc.

    Whoop whoop!!

  10. Your quilt is going to look great! Thanks for the tips on cutting hexagons...also I'm so glad you mentioned rotary cutters, since I'm looking at buying one soon and had my eye on the one you recommended people avoid! (Just looked on Amazon and found a different one with a 5* rating...yay!)

  11. Missy - I have SUCH a soft spot for yellow kitties. Tiger looks a lot like my Max. I believe that Max just waits for me to come home, so that he can roll on the carpet and essentially say to me (without actually using words), "Aren't I beautiful?" Such confidence! Because, of course, he is beautiful. Wouldn't it be lovely if we all had that sort of confidence in our essential beauty? thanks for sharing your quilt-y tips on Sass's Sunday Salvation Show!

  12. Missy what a cute panel and I think this will be a great quilt! Which color do the cats prefer for the back? If the green doesn't clash I think it would work!
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  13. nice and neat tip.. Thanks for linking up at friday fun party.. :)

  14. I bought that cutter and felt the same way! Also felt the same when I bought a pricey Gingher cutter. I replaced both with a different one that's working well, but good to know there's another good choice available too. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday at Sew Can Do:)


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