Monday, June 25, 2012

Design Wall Monday

I finally finished all of my "flowers"!  I only had 20 to make, but it makes a 16 1/2 block and it is my first hand pieced project. I have been working on it since April.  I have noticed that my stitches are smaller and faster now than when I started.  I put a blue hexie between the flowers to get an idea of size and placement.
I am only going to put one strip of the blue between each flower, so for now I am going to add the border around every other flower and then re-evaluate after I have laid it out and looked at it.  I think this is the order I will keep the flowers.  If you see a flower I should move around please let me know.  I just spent an hour trying to decide where to put the flowers. 
I put a note on each flower where it goes in order and whether or not it gets a border.

I then stacked the ones that get borders in one pile, and a pile for the ones that do not get borders.  I have cut enough blue hexies so far for five flowers, so I need to cut five more, although I will need more than that since I will be finishing the quilt with blue hexies all around.  I got a new "basket" to carry my quilt in as I work on it.  I still have my small pouch to carry in my purse when the basket is inconvenient though.

I wanted to share some pictures of Midnight, the kitten I was taking care of.  She has gone back to her owner now, I really miss her!  Please excuse my messy carpet, my vacuum was not working, but I found a great one at a yard sale for $10!
 Pippi not letting her get away, she needed a bath!
 What is that smell?  Is it a mouse or a new toy?  At least that is what I think he was thinking since he kept "bopping" her!
 Finally they let her take a nap!  She got lots of cat baths wile she was here!
I never did hear from the winner of the book The River Rose I sent her 2 emails and she never answered, so I drew a new winner!  Actually, Pippi did.  I put the pieces of paper on the floor and the one she tried to eat won.  

eyeballlucy said...
I love to win.....this book sounds so awrsome.......

I'll send you an email!

I hope ya'll have a great day!


  1. You are making considerable progress since the last time I checked your blog. Are you filling in between the flowers with the blue? It will be stunning!

  2. Awww, such a sweetie! I love that middle panel on your quilt! Cats are my downfall.

  3. That is going to be one beautiful quilt, Missy! I'm very impressed - I've always wanted to make a hexie quilt, but lack the "stick-to-it-iveness"! Whoop whoop!!

    And aren't kittens cute? She's a sweetie....

  4. Great job on this hand work project...thanks for linking up! It's a great idea to label each flower just in case the kitties try to "help" you with your layout :)

  5. Great first hand project. The kitten is cute too.

  6. your hexagon flowers are looking great! and the center panel is cute :)

  7. Your hexies are looking great. Sounds like you have the rest planned out, now you just have to keep going.

  8. Love your hexies and the layout looks great.


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