Friday, July 13, 2012

Quilt Idea

I have an idea for a quilt,  a life story quilt.

My first block can be a windmill to represent Lubbock, TX, where I was born and grew up.
A block with a ballerina or ballet shoes, since I took ballet when I was a little girl and dance in Jr. High and the first semester of high school.  No. I was not any good but it was a lot of fun!
A block with a church bus.  I started riding the church bus when I was four.
A block with a penguin.  My best friend gave me a stuffed penguin of hers when I was 16 right before I moved to AR.  I started collecting them and I still have that penguin.
A block with a razorback for AR.  I moved in with my Dad when I was 16.
The bible will be next to represent when I was saved when I was 16.
Some type of teacher block.  That is what I went to college for.  I love to teach, but only teach Sunday School now since my asthma has worsened.
A wedding ring block, to represent getting married.
A block to represent PA.  Maybe an art block with the peninsula on it, we lived in Erie for seven years.
A block with a cake, this is when learned how to decorate cakes.
A block with a long horn to represent TX again, or maybe the awful mix masters I hate in the DFW area!
A block with a sewing machine.
A block with dogwoods for MO, we'll be moving there within the next year.
and of course a block with a cat
finish it with a block with a cross, because my whole life is centered around Jesus Christ.
This quilt will take a LONG time, but it will tell my story!
Maybe embroidery the year on each block too?
Won't be able to start it until I finish the one I am making and two more I have planned.  But if I do one block at a time in between things, should have it done in a year or two.
I think this will be a fun quilt to make, and I can try all kinds of different techniques on it!
And the border will have to be a crazy quilt border, because my life is so crazy, or maybe a yellow or green gingham since those are my favorite colors!  LOL

I have to have a picture in every post so here are some of Tiger, the big orange cat, Pippi, the calico, and Squeeky. the grey cat.
Don't bother me, I'm sleeping!

My belly is hot!

We can share the rocker!

Holding Hands
If ya'll have any suggestions for blocks for my quilt, let me know!  I'll also be looking for free block patterns too.  I'm still not sure about the PA one or the TX one.  I could do a star for TX, that would be easy.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. There are bunches of free patterns here, you could change them up a bit to go with your particular experiences.

    Quilt Blocks Galore. Make sure you go to the home page and read the restrictions for use if you use her patterns. Basically for personal use and give credit but it's all detailed there.

  2. What a smart idea for a quilt! And I think there are blocks that represent all the states at Quilter's Cache ( -- or you could embroider the state flower in the block ( Such fun!! I love all your sweet cat pics! You should link this post up to -- she does a Feline Friday link up!! :)

  3. What a wonderful idea, Missy! Surely this will be a family heirloom:)


  4. great idea! love these pictures, giggle. xo P.S>I hope you will join us at the hop tomorrow :-)

  5. Missy, thanks for stopping by my blog to comment...loved your tips!

    I was taught the basics of quilting from a neighbor lady when my dad was in Bible college (I was in elementary school). I loved it...but don't actually do any quilting've sparked my interest. I love your idea here of using blocks to represent events or interests in your life. Thanks for sharing!


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