Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We have a winner!

I let Pippi pick the winner of the book Rare Earth by Davis Bunn.  I numbered each comment and threw the pieces on the floor by Pippi and whichever one she picked up (and tried to eat) was the winner.
She picked Carol Sue!

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...
I follow you on Linky as Carolsue Ezovski
I have never been to Africa, but I know a friend of a friend who has. That's about it. Nobody personally.

Carol Sue has a very pretty cat as her picture!

Speaking of cats, I have a mild heart condition and asthma,  have been having some mild chest pains the past few days (which happens sometimes, but not very often), and last night I had a really bad asthma attack (I usually control both things easily with essential oils but sometimes I forget to use them) and Pippi jumped in my lap, grabbed my shirt and stared in my face,  she was laying in my lap with her paws on my chest as if she was saying "breathe!  what's wrong?  breathe!)  If I hadn't been having problems breathing I would have laughed at the look on her face.  Squeeky was beside me meowing the entire time.  Cats are so intuitive and really do care about their owners.  If ya'll will just pray for me I would appreciate it.

Muffin and Tiger on thier cat tree.  If Tiger keeps growing he won't fit anymore!

Here's an old picture (last year) of Muffin, Tiger and Pippi, she was so tiny!
Have a great day ya'll!


  1. Good morning, Missy.
    I've often wondered how winners are chosen. :) Your unique method made me smile! My congrats to Carolsue. And prayers for you.

  2. Good morning, Missy! I love that your kitties are such good friends to each other. My two love to play and play-fight, but they would NEVER sleep together. I think they just don't know what they're missing. And they've been together for five years. Take care of yourself, k? Hugs!

  3. I have some of the same health troubles Missy- asthma, heart condition and the occasional chest pain. My cats try to help me too when things are going on with my health(I am older and have more than just those health issues). But I find if I breath eucalyptus oil (I put a dab under my nose) it helps me a great deal. I do love my kitties and appreciate their love and assistance, they try to tell me when I am starting to have an insulin reaction sometimes. I have 4 at this time and all are so sweet. My oldest is 11 years old youngest is 3.
    Take Care of yourself and listen to your body, I enjoy your tutorials and blog and just want you to be healthy. I will send out some good energy for you!


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