Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Baked Nachos

Here is an easy recipe for you!  Baked nachos.  This is something I grew up with my mom making, cheap, easy, and quick!
First you lay your tortilla chips on the cookie sheet.  I use my yucky cookie sheet for this.  You can make home made chips or use store bought, my husband's favorite is organic blue corn tortilla chips.
My husband likes to put a little cheese down first, to make sure that every chip has cheese.  Then we put taco meat on top.  My husband hates beans and salsa, so beans only goes on my side when we have them, and the salsa cannot touch his chips.  We then put a ton of cheese on top.
Pop in a 350° oven for 3-5 minutes.  Do not let your husband take the nachos out of the oven if you want to take a picture of the finished nachos, or this is what you'll get.
Of course this would be delicious with black olives and jalapenos also, but my husband would not allow that to touch his "side" either!  But we'll forgive him, he is a Yankee after all and never learned to appreciate those things!  When we first got married I was only able to put a little seasoning on my taco meat, but through the 17 years of our marriage, I have slowly added more seasoning each time and can actually put the correct amount of taco seasoning, garlic and onions!  He never knew what hit him!  Here is his plate, meat and cheese only.
And my plate, meat, cheese and salsa.
I am enjoying this nice cool weather and love the rain.  It beats 100° any day!  I've opened my windows to let the nice cool air in and my cats are sitting in front of the windows enjoying the breeze too!
Have a blessed day!


  1. I think nachos are my downfall, almost any kind but the best are in the oven and then I might broil them for just a second or two. I even like them better than chocolate! Love the blue chips!

  2. Hi Missy! Thanks for the kind words on the quilt. I wanted to let you know that Lori from Bee in My Bonnet ( has directions for the quilt on her blog. I enjoyed doing it because the squares are bigger so it didn't take very long. Have a great day!

  3. We love to make nachos just like that...your husband sounds as picky as mine! I think I know what to make for dinner now-thanks!


  4. I like your blog. I have just signed up as a follower. Please drop by to Carole's Chatter and check it out. You might like my Food on Friday series which focuses on a different thing. This week it is marinades and rubs. If you like my blog it would be great if you followed me back. Have a good week.

  5. Yummy looking, Missy. Tonight is our date night and I'm thinking Mexican!



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