Friday, August 24, 2012

Cat TV

We call nighttime, Cat TV for our three youngest fur babies.  As soon as it gets dark all three will take up position on the cat tree watching the night life outside the window.  Of course they watch TV all day, but night time TV is their favorite.  I have to leave the curtains open by the cat tree or they will be very unhappy.   Please excuse the sheet, the sun has been so hot, it was making my living room unbearable.  So I hung a white sheet over my sheers to block some of the sun, but the white still allows light in.
Pippi is a girl all the way through.  She loves to talk on the phone.  As soon as it rings, she runs to be the first to answer the phone.  She always helps me find the phone when it is ringing and if I can't find it, she goes straight to it.

She hasn't quite figured out how to talk on it yet, but she sure likes to chew on it!  I did stage these photos.  I dialed my husband and then placed the phone by her.
Do your cats like "TV" too?
I am linking this post up at Feline Friday Linky party at Sarah Did It.  Be sure to check it out, and if you have kitties you want to share, that is a great place to do it!
Tomorrow I am going to a clothes swap/swimming party at a friend's house.  A lot of us ladies at church get together and bring old clothes and swap them out.  It's a lot of fun!
Have a great weekend,


  1. How funny that cat is with the phone! I've never seen a cat do that before! Your clothes swap sounds like fun -- a great way for everyone to "new" up their wardrobe without spending!! Have fun! :)

  2. Missy, I had a cat that used to jump up on the counter and meow with her foot tapping the phone, until I went out to answer it. A couple of times she knocked it off the receiver.

  3. When we used to have cats indoors they were in the living room where the surround speakers are. A jet flew by (on the tv) and the cats ducked! They thought something was really flying overhead.

  4. Missy, this is the cutest post. Thanks for sending me the link. I love cats! They are so entertaining, and each has it's own special personality.


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