Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We have a winner!

We have picked a winner for the My Memories Software giveaway!  I numbered the comments, crumpled up the pieces of paper, and since the cats refused to pick a paper, I had my husband do it!  He picked number 7 who is Denise from Count it all Joy .  She has a great blog and we have a lot in common.  She is a quilter, loves cats and is a Christian!  Stop by and check out her blog.
If you are disappointed you did not win,  don't worry, you can still buy your own software for $10 off!

Just click on the banner above and use this coupon code: STMMMS44612 ! Just copy and paste it when you check out!  By using this code, you get $10 off and I get credit also!  A win/win for both of us!
I made another page I want to share!  This one is of my niece's sixth birthday party this year!
I am having so much fun with this software!  I need to watch some of the youtube videos so I can do more with it though!
Sorry I have been kind of quiet on here.  The weather has been changing a lot here in TX, which makes my allergies act up which affects my asthma.  I have learned in the past that when my asthma is acting up that I cannot sew or I'll make lots of mistakes.  It's supposed to be back up in the 80's this week, I am hating this weather and really would like an actual autumn!  LOL
Have a great day ya'll!


  1. Congratulations Denise.

  2. Missy, thanks again, so very much!! I can't wait to play around with it and plug my pictures into it!! Whoohoo!!

    Hope your asthma is under control soon!!! :)


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