Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cleaning your sewing machine

It is really important to clean and oil(some machines) your sewing machine.  Your sewing machine will only work as good as you take care of it.  If you don't take care of it, it won't work well.  Here is a great video I found on youtube, be sure to watch it.

Here is a youtube video on how to clean a handcrank sewing machine.

I have also been told to always clean your machine after every quilt and to change your needle after every 8 hours of sewing.  Boy am I bad about both of those things!
Here are pictures of all of my sewing machines!
I don't think the White works, I'm afraid to plug it in because the chords are so frayed.
Yes, thast's right, you counted 7!  But, one is scary (White), and one is on hold for a friend.  It's brand new, I plugged it in to give it a test run, and it sewed fine for 5 minutes but the feed dogs somehow dropped down just a tiny bit.  I tried the lever to drop them, and they dropped more, but when I tried to bring them back up, they didn't come up all the way.  I've had it for a year, I'm not sure what to do.  So, I only have 5 working machines.
Have a great day ya'll!


  1. Admittedly, I don't clean mine often enough. Thank you for sharing these links with us.

  2. Yeah, I probably don't clean my machines enough, either. It shouldn't be a hard thing to replace the cord on the White, should it be?! :)

  3. Great sewing machines Missy, thanks for showing all of them! I'm pretty good about cleaning my 15-91 Singer all the time but....I don't change a needle until necessary, I can usually tell.

  4. What pretty old treasure machines you have...thank you for sharing!

  5. What a nice collection of machines you have. A Gal after my own heart...as you could tell when you visited my CAM Along with Me post. I'm not going to say how many machines I have, but let's just say I've been collecting and sewing on them for over 50 years.

    Very good advice for machine care. It's hard to convince sewers that a new needle, cleaning and oiling is "A Stitchin in Time Saves Nine". Thanks for visiting CITexas Gal and becoming a follower...I've returned the favor and look forward to visiting again.

  6. My sister still has our mother's sewing machine like yours. In perfect condition and none of us can sew.


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