Sunday, November 18, 2012

A finished top!

 I was busy on Friday night!  I got to church at 6:30 and did not leave until 11:30!  Six blocks were made by friends at home, and the other six were made Friday night.
This is Marie using the other Janome I won in the friend to friend contest at the beginning of the year.  I gave her the second one.
 She had never sewn anything before Friday night!

 Here is her block before it was trimmed, she had to leave before the last step!
 Siouxsie is hard at work!  She said she felt like she was in a sweat shop!  LOL
 Here's Chrystal, multi-tasking - sewing while taking care of her children.
 Please remember that these pictures were taken at 11 at night, so I don't look great, but here I am with my two blocks.  One done at home and one Friday night.
 Siouxsie also did one at home and one Friday night.  One of Siouxsie's blocks is out of order, but I told her that is part of what makes friendship quilts so special!
Julia couldn't stay Friday night, but she did two at home.
 Chrystal actually did two Friday night.  Her seam allowance was off on the one she did at home so she had to redo it, the only thing she did not finish on the second one was trimming it and sewing on the four corners, which I did for her Saturday.
 I didn't get everyone's pictures though, Lauren, Kristi, and Cara also each sewed a block.  Here are the ten that were completely finished when we left.  I finished up Chrystal's other one and had to fix one and sewed the top together on Saturday.
 I'll pass the top to Joeann and her mother,who will do the embroidery on the borders.
Since it is a prayer quilt, we made sure to take the time to stop and pray for the person getting this quilt.
I can't wait to show it to you when the top is completely done!
Have a great day ya'll!


  1. Missy, it looks fabulous! And it looks like you had a blast putting it together, too! Where do y'all go to church? :)

  2. What a sweet group of ladies, how fun for you to bring them together to quilt. Love the Granny Squares ~

  3. It looks like you all had such a good time sewing together! Good job girls.

  4. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all. And wonderful blocks out of all that fun :)

  5. It looks like you have a great group to create with. I'm in love with the granny square blocks too.

  6. Wow, Missy, it's wonderful - and such a great group of ladies you have there!! I foresee lots of pretty quilts and happy recipients in your future!!

  7. Love this block and your ladies did a wonderful job!

  8. Beautiful! I love the dark setting for the squares!

  9. Looks great! The dark really does make it pop!

  10. The blocks are awesome. It looks like you had a great time sewing.


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