Monday, January 21, 2013

Do you speak the language?

I am still in Lubbock waiting for my uncle's funeral.  It is a county burial and they won't let us bury him until Thursday, Nine days after his death!!!  Isn't that crazy, so my one week trip has turned into a two week trip.  I wish I had brought some quilting with me.  My mom let me borrow her sewing machine and I offered to make curtains for my niece and curtain's for my brother-in-law's camper, got all the material cut, and would you believe I cannot get her sewing machine to work?  Give me an old people powered sewing machine any day - they are so easy to fix!  I don't suppose someone lives in Lubbock who would let me borrow a machine for two days?  LOL
I had this sitting in my drafts and thought this would be a perfect time to share it!

Do YOU speak the language?? 

BOM = Block of the Month
DSM = Domestic Sewing Machine
FART = Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
FOB = Fear of Binding
FQ = Fat Quarter
HST = Half-Square Triangle

LA = Longarmer
LAQ= Long Arm Quilter
LQS = Local Quilt Shop
MAQ = Mid-Arm Quilter
OBW = One Block Wonder
PhD = Projects half Done
PIGS = Projects in Grocery Sacks
PP = Paper Piecing
QAYG = Quilt As You Go
QST = Quarter Square Triangle
RR = Round Robin
SABLE = Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
SID = Stitch In the Ditch
SnW = Stack and Whack = pile up and cut all at once block pattern
Squishy=Envelopes filled with swap fabric or gifts sent/received in the mail
STASH = Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden
TGIF = Thank God It's Finished!
TOT = Tone-on-Tone
UFO = UnFinshed Object
VIP = Very Important Project
WHIMM = Works Hidden In My Mind
WIP = Work In Progress
WISP = Work In Slow Progress
WWIT = What Was I Thinking
WOF = Width of Fabric
WOMBAT = Waste of Money, Batting, and Time
WOW = White On White

Bonnie Hunter printed this on FB, and since I have been confused by some of these anagrams, I thought I would share!

I have a couple to add!
HQ = Hand Quilter
PPM = People Powered Machines
TO = Treadleon from
HC = Hand Crank Sewing Machine
Tail = Electric Sewing Machine
TOBE = Treadle On Block Excange
Onion = people who are members of the site, basically anyone who uses people powered machines!

The hardest thing for me to figure out is the math on quilt sizes, I found this great chart that you can print off and share!
It tells you how long to make your quilt depending on how much of an overhang you want!

Have a great day ya'll!


  1. I just found out I have PIGS! Well, one grocery sack but it's that really big fabric kind. All there and unquilted! Thank you for the terms and I hope you find a machine to use.

  2. I'm the owner of a HC and a WOF with a FOB which has led to a WISP.

    I'ts great to finally know what all those abbreviations mean on quilting blogs.

    Lovely blog.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Missy. Sending prayers your way.


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