Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt

I just realized that I have not published any pictures of the quilt my sister got from our grandmother.  She got the grandmother's flower garden with the traditional green flower path.
For more of the story on these quilts you can go here.
I got the Martha Washington Flower Garden Quilt, which you can see here.
 I just love this quilt too!  My sister had it stuck in the closet when I came to visit because she was afraid it would get messed up.  I told her she needed to display it!  Quilts are meant to be seen or used!
I took some other pictures when we were at the hotel in Carlsbad Caverns, so excuse the ugly Motel 6 comforter you see under some of the pictures.
 I love polka dot material, and this brown is very pretty.  I've noticed my grandmother used a lot of brown in her quilts.
 She hand quilted and hand pieced the entire quilt!
 She had solid centers and a print for the middle petals and the traditional yellow for the centers.
 Aren't those huge green dots so retro?  Back then they were very popular though!
Unfortunately, this one has a burn mark also, just like my circle upon circle quilt does.
Here is some very good information on the history of hexagon quilts.  http://www.womenfolk.com/quilt_pattern_history/mosaic.htm
My husband got me a new quilting book for Christmas, Quilts from Grandmother's Flower Gsrden.

It has a lot of good information in it and I can't wait to make something from it!
I had told ya'll Monday that I was going to make a quilt for uncle.  I cut all the pieces out yesterday.  My mom called me this morning to let me know my uncle passed away last night.  I had planned to make his quilt last year.  If you are planning on making a quilt for someone, be sure to get it made, you might not have another day to finish it.


  1. Another beautiful treasure! I love this quilt..hexagons seem like quite a challenge to piece. It is just beautiful.

  2. I have about 12 quilts made by my grandmother and great aunt. What treasures they are as they represent a time gone by.

  3. "If you are planning on making a quilt for someone, be sure to get it made, you might not have another day to finish it." Thank you for this wonderful advice!

    I'm so sorry to hear your uncle passed away and will not be able to enjoy the quilt you started for him.

  4. I have several quilts, vintage and new. Dearly love them. I have one that is very old like yours.

  5. What a beautiful quilt this is! (As is the one your Grandmother gave to you. ) Beautifully handpieces and quilted. It's so fun to look at all the old fabrics. I have a few quilts made by my Grandmother and Great Grandmother. So I understand what a treasure you and your sister have.

  6. Wow! Gorgeous! And even more special because they were lovingly stitched by hand!

  7. Both quilts are beautiful! And how fantastic they you each have something made by your Grandmother.

  8. Thanks for sharing the lovely quilts :-)

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  10. Hi there, I'm Julia from The Hexie Blog. I'd love to get your permission to include your photos of this fabulous Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt in the lecture/slideshow I'll be giving at the AQS Quilt Show in Chattanooga in September. Thanks! My e-mail is juliacwood@mac.com


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