Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Goals For March

I am going to keep my goals pretty simple this month.  Instead of making Scrappy Trip along blocks, I am going to strip piece them together so I can see how many more strips I need to cut.  I want to take these to retreat with me in April and this way I won't have to bother with  taking the individual strips since they will be half done.  I have no idea how many I will finish, it just depends on the pinwheel quilt.
I also need to finish the pinwheel quilt this month so we can get it sent to sweet Kenzie, her casts are coming off in a month.
And I have more that have been sent to me!  I did not make any of the pinwheels above, but will be sewing them together to make one quilt!

I also have three capes to make like this one for a friend.

I'm hoping to finish the granny square quilt this month, but that depends on other people, not just me since we are all hand quilting it.

These goals should keep me pretty busy this month!
What goals do you have planned for this month?


  1. You are a busy lady, Missy. I'll be busy keeping up with orders and getting our house ready for a big move ~ something I'll blog about soon:)

  2. You have a lot of rods in fire. Pretty quilts in the making. You all look like you are have a great time quilting the Granny Square. Good memories. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my wild and crazy house quilt.

  3. Your a pretty busy lady! I'm following you via GFC. I host Fluster Creative Muster Party on Wednesdays and I would love it if you would come by and party with us. Hope to see you there!

    Hugs, Smiles, and Blessings,

    Fluster Buster

  4. Retreats are so much fun - have a great time. Your pink pinwheel quilt is great.

  5. Your pinwheels look great. Enjoy the retreat!

  6. I sigh in appreciation of your Singer. That pink quilt is going to be charming.


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