Sunday, February 17, 2013

Prayer Quilt Update

We are still plugging away on our prayer quilt!  Her baby shower is this Saturday and I am hoping to get it finished by then!  I have been asked why we are hand quilting this quilt instead of machine quilting it.  This quilt is for a lady in our church, so I wanted it to be a gift from all of us, that we have all worked on.  If I machine quilted it, I would do all of the work (and it would take me a few days to a week, I'm slow).  But by hand quilting it, it gives all of us a chance to put a part of our heart and time into the quilt and show her how much we lover her!  Not to mention the fellowship is great!
We had five ladies and two preteens working on the quilt this week, our quilt frame is so small we had to take turns!  LOL

 We were playing musical chairs and one person would get up and the next person would just take up where they left off!  We also took turns eating lunch, so somebody was constantly stitching!
Here is a closeup of my stitches.  They are terrible, the 12 year olds stitches were better than mine!  But, I can't fraw a straight, or even walk a straight line, so how can I expect to stitch a straight line?  LOL
Miss Debra is teaching her seven year old granddaughter, Abideth how to quilt.  She is making a Dresden plate quilt.
 Look at how perfect her stitches are!
Atarrah took a break from her granny squares and made a cute little hat today. All by herself without any help!  She is nine.
 Well, Declaire did help her by holding the yarn!
Tabitha is still plugging away on her postage stamp quilt!  She's now sewing them into four patches.  She is thirteen.

I'm hoping to get the quilt finished on Friday. My goals on Friday is to have some ladies hand quilting, one lady cutting out the binding and getting it ready to be attached, and if we have enough ladies show up, have a couple of ladies to start sewing the pinwheel quilt together (another prayer quilt)  I'm hosting the quilt along this week.  If you live in the area and want to come and quilt with us, let me know!  I live in the area of Arlington, TX.
Happy Quilting!


  1. Sure wish I could join y'all...looks like great fun! I get such a sense of community and the power of women working together when I see your photos.
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  2. How wonderful that you care enough to all work together on this quilt. Your pictures are so full of hope. I love that all generations were depicted what wonderful fellowship.

  3. Looks like a good time! How wonderful that everyone shares in the quilt making. And I can't believe what the little ones are doing! Awesome!

  4. Lots of fun things going on over there...I always get excited when young ones want to learn!

  5. I'm surprised one of your handy husbands can't knock up a larger quilting frame. From what I've seen you can make them out of PVC piping and just slot them together. Maybe a couple of couplings on the sides and some extra pipes and it'll be big enough for you to sit comfortably around it?

    I don't know why I say husbands, I do the DIY around here anyway lol! xx


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