Friday, February 15, 2013

Mid-Month Update

My husband bought me some tulips and mums and Muffin and Pippi just loved them, a little too much! Pippi broke my tulips!  They(the flowers) now stay in the bathroom with the door closed unless I can keep an eye on them!  Mums are poisonous to cats!  We're moving in October so I don't want to plant them outside.

I seem to have finished more than I realized!  I finished two more scrappy trip alongs this week bringing them to a total of 18!  I'm thinking I really like this layout with the blue cornerstones!
 I have four more strips sewn together and three tubes waiting to be cut and re-pieced!  It is getting scrappier as I go along!
I finished three more great granny squares blocks!
I only have one more to finish all of my blocks!  I have cut out half of my sashing.
 Here is my layout, I'll be working on this today!
 Of course Pippi had to help!
 I got 18 more pinwheels from Plano, TX!
I'll start sewing the pinwheels together next week!


I'll be linking to:
 Design Wall Monday @ Patchwork Times
A Lovely Year of Finishes
Feline Friday at Sarah Did It!
Can I get a whoop whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. Just too much of a temptation..

    Love what you are doing.

  2. Lots of great progress. When my cat killed the roses my husband bought me he said I was never getting flowers again. The cat now lives in another state and I still have never gotten flowers ever again!

  3. I suppose Pippi was helping with the quilt to make up for the broken tulips? Your granny squares are so cheery in those colors - that's the second blog I have seen today in similar colors - I think it's a sign...

  4. I love the flowers on your sashing, it really works well. Great to have the extra help too.

  5. Ah ... pretty kitties ... so helpful ... what would we do without them? Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  6. Great blocks! I can't have anything green at cat level at my house either. Tucker eats them or makes a mess trying to get at them for a bite.

  7. Love the dark on Pippi's face! Your Granny Square quilt is really pretty! I love the bright colors!

  8. Missy, I don't know how you do it. All your quilts are a piece of art. Also, your sewing machines are so awesome. I never knew there was such a thing as a hand crank sewing machine. Hopefully someday I will run into one. Do you keep any of your quilts or are most of them gifts?

  9. Love all the pallet ideas! Thanks for linking up to Check Me Out Saturday on A Vision to Remember. I featured this blog post on my blog today and I pinned it (

  10. Hi, how fabulous your work are!Congratulations!Love the photos too.Thanks so much for sharing. Would love to have you visit me sometime.
    Have a fabulous day!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  11. Love the colors in your great granny squares!

  12. My gosh have you been busy Missy! I really, really like the colors in your granny squares! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday


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