Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vintage machines

Chris and I went to a new antique mall in Arlington.  W e found several neat machines, but did not have the extra cash to buy anything new.  We found a Brunswick that was in really good shape, but it was almost $400.

 When I saw this coffin top New Home, I looked underneath - but no machine.  Someone also painted the whole thing.
 I loved this parlor cabinet, I really want one, ut I was not sure how to pull the head up and did not want to break anything.  It is a Singer, the one with the topless sphinx on it.
 Isn't it neat the way the whole machine is hidden?  They wanted $500 for this one.
The right side is a door to hide the wheel and belt.  The left side is drawers.
I loved the pedal, I have never seen one like this before, it had a tapestry over it.
 I found this electric Singer, it was only $45, I'm thinking it is a class 15?  Here's the serial number.
 The base and top are in pretty good condition and if the motor is shot, I was thinking it could be turned into a hand crank, what do you think?  Should I get it when I have the money?

 Here are some vintage sewing machine toys, they really do sew, they were priced around $150.
 Look what else we found!  A Featherweight, I had never realized how small they are!  It had the case and accessories for $400.

I'll have to show you the quilts in another post!


  1. I had no idea they went for this much. I had Tom put my treadle up in the girl cave so now I have to find out how to clean it up. I have all the parts, the manuals and even old oil cans and accessories. We also have two end tables that are probably first generation electric, they are sort of treadles with a motor and hide inside the cabinets. I haven't tried to see if they work or not.

  2. I never saw anything like the cabinet. It is so neat.... I would love to get one of the older non electric machines someday. The pictures you took are so interesting. What a neat store...I wish we had something like that in my neck of the neighborhood. lol

  3. That is too cool! The little $45 machine is a 99. You can always tell 15s because they have the tension mechanism pointing off to the side instead of on the front of the machine.

    I love this website for IDing Singer models: http://www.ismacs.net/singer_sewing_machine_company/serial-numbers/singer-sewing-machine-serial-number-database.html

  4. Oh, how tempting! Beautiful treasures!

  5. Wow...so many vintage machines in one day. Love the cabinet with all the drawers and hidden machine space. The price on the Featherweight is pretty much the going price these days. I love mine. Thanks for sharing your fun day and all the machines. Will look forward to seeing the quilts.

  6. I liked seeing these treasures you found. Reminds me of a sewing machine my mom used to have.

  7. You must have gone to the new mall on South Cooper. I have been there but did not buy anything. My understanding, if it is that one, it will replace the Montgomery Street Antique mall in Ft.Worth.

  8. Some real treasures there. I have my grandmothers pedal and electric machines. Use neither one of them I so wanted one that had the zig zag stitch.

  9. I love looking at these machines, and would love to have one. But where would I put it? And would I ever use one when I have a nice modern one? So glad I'm seeing only pictures and don't have really be tempted.

  10. I learned to sew on an old machine like this w/my grandmother. :)

    Visiting today from Thursday's Favorite Things. Happy Valentine's Day. :)

  11. Where can I find an reputable place to purchase a new belt for my Grandmother's 1947 Singer? I would love to sew with it, but the belt is fraying. Thanks so much!

  12. Looks like a fun day---I hope I remember to come back and see the quilts! These old machines are sure a treasure to those of us who are seamstresses, aren't they?

    I'm hosting my Homemaking Linkup Weekend and would love to have you join, if you've not already.

    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller


  13. Love this post, such fun to see all the old sewing machines.

    Happy VTT!


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