Wednesday, March 27, 2013

February Finishes

I already showed ya'll my finish for this month, it was the pinwheel quilt.  I mailed it on Monday, so hopefully they received it either Wed. or Thur.
I love the back!

We are almost done with the Great Granny square quilt that we are hand quilting!
This week I finished another 11 strips for my scrappy trip around the world quilt.  This brings me to total of 46 strips and 21 finished blocks, which makes a total of 67, it was suggested to do only 81 blocks, so I have 14 more strips to make before I will finish all of my blocks!

I am pretty happy with my finished goals for the month!  My goal was to finish the quilting on the pinwheel quilt.  DONE  , sew as many sets of the scrappy trip along I could, I lost with how many I did this month, and my other goal was to try to finish the great granny square, but that was dependent on other people since it is not being kept at my house.  We made great progress on it!
I also started another quilt and made two barns!

Did you meet any of your goals for this month?

I am going to try to find a different Bible verse that has to do with finishes to go with my Finishes post each month, I thought that would be fun!

Acts 20:24  "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God."

A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. Really nice progress and I really love how the pinwheel quilt came out.

  2. Really nice progress and I really love how the pinwheel quilt came out.

  3. Wow! You make me wish I could quilt. I'm barely learning how to sew. Maybe someday. Beautiful work!

  4. Lovely finishes, and adorable barns!

  5. Lovely finishes and a lot of beautiful work.
    Happy Easter XXX

  6. Inspiring! I especially like that pinwheel quilt.

  7. I love that pinwheel quilt, and you are so far ahead of me on your scrappy trips quilt it's not even funny! Whoop whoop!!

  8. You have had a great month. I like the granny squares set in a dark color. I am also tempted to make the barn quilt - love the chicken fabric you used.


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