Friday, May 10, 2013

Feline Friday - kittens

It's already Friday again!  I have been very busy this week!  I got a phone call on Friday and my friend was moving to MO in like 30 minutes and found out she could only take her two grown cats and one kitten!  Remember Midnight and her kittens from last week's post here? 
Well, we now have three kittens added to our already big cat family!  We are trying to find homes for two of them, although we have already gotten attached to all of them!  Chris will only let them go to someone we know - LOL.  I think I have a friend who will be taking one of them, she has terrible reception where she lives and I'm having trouble contacting her right now.
left to right, Bessie, Oreo and Custard
Custard is Chris's kitten
Oreo asleep in my arms.  Please ignore the burn on my arm, from the iron!
They love Grandpa Boots, he is 17 years old!
Oreo never stops meowing and he meows himself to sleep and will fall asleep with his mouth open.

We named Bessie, Black Eyed Susan (the flower), BES, which changed to Bessie, but we are thinking of staying with  the food theme.  We are deciding between Ganache, because it looks like someone poured ganache all over her, Marmalade since the rest of her is the color of orange marmalade or Shortcake.  What do you think?
Have a great weekend ya'll!


  1. Lovely, lovely pics of the kitts. I don't know how you will ever part with them, they are d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s
    (you had better keep to the food theme!)

  2. I agree - I don't know how you will be able to part with any of the cutiepatooties! I know I would be hard pressed to only keep one...

  3. I'm about to die from the cuteness!! I'd have to keep them all!!

  4. Cute kittens. May they ones you need to part with find lovely new homes. Your 17 year old cat is very nice to allow kittens that close. "Grandpa" Boots lives up to his name ... thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  5. I think you need to stick with Bessie! :-) They are ALL so cute. What a wonderful person you are, to take them all in when your friend moved. This world needs more kind hearts.

  6. Oh... kittens... LOVE! How will you ever part with them?

  7. Oh, Missy the kitties are so cute! Not sure I could part with them at all!
    I was just reading your posts on your machines , I love the vintage machines too! I'm not sure I could do piecing on a hand crank but I would like to try it sometime. I happen to like the cabinet your dressmaker is in, lol! I have my 301 in the large desk with drawers style one just like it. I am looking at a 15-91 this weekend. Do you find that you burn your hand on the light when lifting your pressor foot? When I was trying one out last weekend, I either burned myself or hit the tension knob. Just wondering if that will deter me from using it. Have you had these issues?

  8. How sweet! Looks like the kittens didn't pick up their mother's bad habits after all. In this one instance, I'm glad we don't live close by. Victoria would have already taken those kittens off your hands if we did, especially Oreo. We have four black and white cats and her theory is the more the merrier. Enjoy!


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