Sunday, May 5, 2013

Steering Wheel Cover Tutorial

When my husband bought the car, I wanted a yellow car but we could not find a used yellow car that fits our needs.  We got boring black that everyone else haves, so he is letting me trim out the car in yellow!
First, cut a piece 6 inches by 22 inches, of course this depends on your steering wheel.  I had cut 6 1/2  inches, but it was a little too wide.  You want your outer covering and a fleece for the inside to give it some stability, it also makes it a little softer.  leave both ends open so you can turn it right side out.  For my friend's suburban  I would have lfet it at 6 1/2 inches and probably made it 24-25 inches long.  You will be trimming the excess off late, but better too long than too short.

2.  After turning it right side out I highly recommend do a stay stitch on both sides, this will help  keep the material from moving around.  I had to sew it with the fleece side up and the cotton down, sewed easier this way.  Then, using my FMQ foot, I just did a wavy line down the middle, you can do a straight stitch or whatever, just something to keep the material from moving.
I thought this was pretty cool, my expensive Janome FMQ foot cost more than my vintage Japanes 15 clone, Dressmaker Special, and it fits!

3.  Take your long piece and measure it on your steering wheel.  Make sure the  top side is facing down so you can sew it right sides together.  You want it snug, but not too tight.

4.  Pin it with two pins.

5.  Sew it together with a slight curve in the middle, but do a better job  than I did, LOL.

6.  Time for some hand stitching!  My husband prefers to do this part because he can make it tighter than I can.  We used a thick crochet thread, a big needle and put the knot on the inside of the cover.  

7.  While holding the material tightly closed (it helps to have an extra pair of hands) tightly wrap the thread, floss or yarn around the steering wheel.

8.  When you get to the end sew through to the bottom and tie it off  with the knot underneath.
You're done and now your husband will stop nagging you about making him a steering wheel cover!  In TX that black steering wheel can get pretty hot!


  1. Fun tutorial! I'd have to find some quilting fabric of course!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  2. What a great idea - I wanted hot pink - so maybe I should try this!

  3. Now THAT my girl is a very creative way to bring color into the world! I keep telling my teenage girls that my next car is going to be a yellow VW Bug convertible....and that I'm going to put some of those big fake plastic eyelashes on it :-) I would too....but I would NEVER be able to haul all my scrapbook stuff around in a bug!
    stopping by to visit from Fluster’s Creative Muster Wednesday Linky Party
    Carolyn @

  4. What a cute idea! I love how it turned out! Thanks for linking at the Make Bake Create Party! Have a great week!

  5. What a great idea, I love the material that you chose! Thank you for sharing on Fluster's Creative Muster.

    Fluster Buster

  6. How creative is this? What a great idea! This would be perfect to link-up to my new series - "Create It Thursday." It's live now!

  7. Cute steering wheel cover; love the bees!

  8. Dropped by from Pat Sloan's Show & Tell. What a great idea - all I need now is a car!!! :)

  9. Very clever! The cover adds a little cheer to your car!

  10. How cute is that? Thanks for sharing the tutorial, too! Whoop whoop!!

  11. What a fun idea. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop. We can't wait to see what you have for us this week. The party starts at 8:00PM tonight.
    Debi and Charly


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