Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Barn update

I really have not gotten much done.  I had the flu last week, of all things!  I've been trying to get my house back in order after being sick for a week.  I have some regular sewing to do now, although I would rather quilt!  I did get some sewing done on my barns.
 I think laying the blocks out is the hardest thing!  You can't have two chickens next to each or two polka dots, and you have to try to distribute the light and dark sashing, etc,
 Cupcake was helping me as I laid the rows back down.  I got all of the rows sewn.  I then sewed the 1st and 2nd rows together, and then the 3rd and 4th rows together.  When I went to sew it all together, I realized I mixed up one of the rows and now I have to seam rip it or it won't be distributed right.  Ugh.
I just kind of threw it on the table until I could get back to it, so of course Muffin thought it was a new bed for him.  I had to move it.
I am moving this fall and really want to finish this quilt, but first I need to finish the baby quilt for my step nephew, and for Christmas my niece's great granny square quilt needs to be quilted and my nephew's rag quilt!  I need all three done by August so that I can send the last two to my mom and she can hold them until Christmas, this will make sure I don't lose them in a box somewhere!  My step brother's baby is due August 12, so his quilt needs to be done by then!

I guess I need to put my barns to the side for now.  Sigh!

Have a great day ya'll!



  1. Your barn quilt is so cute! I have been following your progress on them, so nice to see them all in one picture.

  2. Kitties on the quilts -- oh my! They do love to pose for you! Don't be so hard on yourself -- any combination you put together will be marvelous! Glad you're feeling better.

  3. The barns look awesome but I wouldn't put them away completely as you deserve a little something for yourself amongst the stress of deadlines and moving. Work on it 15 minutes a day or a week or something so you have some me time :)

  4. I LOVE these! Yes, laying the blocks out can be a challenge. It's like a puzzle and you have to win. Muffin and Cupcake are the cutest cats!

  5. What a cute quilt! I wish I had that talent. Thanks so much for sharing at Katherine's Corner Blog Hop where I'm co-host today.

    Christine @ http://idigpinterest.blogspot.com

  6. Love those barn blocks. You seem to be extremely busy and that is without the move.

  7. How cute! I mean, the barn quilt, the cats... :-)

  8. Missy, I love the quilt. Nice job... Now, I want to make one too.

  9. Your barns are so pretty!! And look at it this way - if working on the barn quilt is your prize for finishing all the other stuff, you'll have an incentive to stay on point!

    Whoop whoop!!

  10. I saw this on the sidebar and had to click, it's gorgeous!


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