Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Packing tip #1 and 2

As I mentioned yesterday, we are moving, Lord willing, October 1,  We are wanting to move to a little town called Theodosia, MO, or at least within 20 minutes of there.  Our church is in Long Run, which is even smaller!  In fact Theodosia is so small that I sent a letter to my friend and forgot to write down the post office box number and the zip code, and she still got it!  I can't wait to move, but we still do not have a place to live.  We are looking for either a rental that accepts cats or a three bedroom house.  My husband will be working from home, so he needs an office with a door that closes and I NEED a sewing studio!  That and the kitchen is my main concern.  It's all about priorities!  So, with that said, if you live in the area and know of a house, please let me know!  Thanks!

Packing tip number one:  I collect penguin cookie jars and snow globes.  I also collect aprons, so I used my aprons to wrap up my breakables.  This way I'm not wasting room on paper!   I did leave four or five aprons out to use until we move though.

Packing tip number two:  Clearly mark all of your boxes!  Put what room the box goes to and what is in the box.  Trust me, this will help tremendously after you have moved.  You don't want your box of towels to end up in the office.

Right now I'm packing up breakables and books.  This is another reason I have not been blogging or quilting as much, I'm trying to pack a few boxes every week.  I'll be having a yard sale at a friend's house to get rid of a lot of stuff in two weeks.  Another friend is supposed to be having a yard sale in August, so I'll sell more stuff then.

Whew, what a lot of work!

I hope this helps when you move!



  1. Not sure if you want the expense but when I moved I bought colored tape from one of the local rental truck companies. yellow was labled kitchen, green bathroom, blue bedroom, etc. Once I memorized the colors I could tell at a glance what room the box went to. Highlighters or fabric scraps(!) would also do the job. Good luck on the house hunt...

  2. Good for you for getting an early start. Packing is such a big job.


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