Friday, June 28, 2013

Feline Friday - Sock Tower

Some of you may remember that I have a bit of a sock fetish?  I love socks, the wilder the better!  Last year we were at a flea market and my husband saw one of those closet organizers that hand from the ceiling or a anger, this one is round with "shelves" and holes in each section to stick things in.  My husband suggested I buy it for my socks because my sock drawer was over flowing,
When I brought it home, Pippi jumped in it once or twice and then forgot about it.  A couple of days ago the kittens seemed to notice it for the first time.
Cupcake thinks it is a  great hammock!

Aww, Oreo beat me to the top!

Hey Custard, I was here first! 

Oreo thinks it is a great tree!

Boy are they having fun!  They are also pulling my socks out and dragging them to the living room, my fluorescent socks seem to be their favorite.  I'm not sure who is doing it though, every time I leave the house they carry a new pair in there.

Have a great weekend ya'll!


Be sure to check out other Feline Friday posts at Sarah's blog!  And check my side bar on the right to see other blogs I link up to!


  1. I love reading about your kitten's antics! I would freak to find them up that high. My calico likes to carry her toys (including my socks) aroud the house - I never know where I am going to find them!

  2. Your kitties are so cute. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. The quilt blocks are so much fun to make.

  3. Oh Missy -- how fun this is! I love these pics - especially the second one. Too cute!!! :)

  4. How do you have time to do anything? The entertainment these cute kittens put on must be better than anything on the telly.

  5. The little darlin's do love to climb and be up high! Thanks for the pictures!

  6. My daughter has a sock fetish and needs one of these for her and her kitty. Looks like a great new kitty climbing toy. Love the picture of you in the mirror taking the picture of the cute kitties ... :) Pat


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