Monday, September 30, 2013

MyMemories Suite Giveaway

Today is my fortieth birthday and I have one last giveaway for you!  I love to scrapbook but since I have started sewing and quilting I have not had much time to.  I love the MyMemories Scrapbook Suite.  You can use either their templates or start from scratch to make your page original.  
We had to make the hard choice to put down Boots, he was 17 years old, if he had been a human baby, he would have been a senior in high school, the same age as my nephew.  Using this software made it very easy to make a collage of pictures of Boots.  I called him my penguin cat, his features were perfectly aligned for a chin strap penguin.
 He was very loveable and a true lap cat, up until his last year when his hips started hurting him.  He's walked with a slight limp for the past six years, after he fell of the balcony in the picture below.  We tried blocking it where he could not hang over, but he still found a way!  I'm still surprised how much Oreo looks and acts like Boots.  You can tell how much he had aged in this photo with the two of them.  I deeply miss Boots and think that is the hardest decision I have ever made.
 Here are three more templates that go with the two I used, they are easily set up for to add and move things as you want.

If you do not win, just use this code to get $10 off to buy your own!  Be sure to use this code so that I will also get credit.  This is the code to use to get your $10 off and to give me credit for your purchase.  STMMMS44612

You have until Tuesday, October 8 to enter the giveaway.  I'll announce the winner on Wednesday.  You have three ways to enter the giveaway:
1.  Please visit their site   In order to enter the giveaway  go to their site and choose your favorite digital paper pack or layout, then comment on my blog telling me which ones you choose.

2.  Let me know how you follow my blog!

3.  Share this giveaway in some way and let me know how you shared!

Please leave an email address so I can contact you if you win!  Leave three separate comments.

I'll share with you tomorrow all of the great quilty things my husband got me for my birthday!



  1. I'm so sorry about Boots. I grieve deeply when I lose an animal. You will be in my prayers. Hugs for you!

  2. I am so sorry about Boots, I have read about a few family pets that have passed this week. Very sad.
    On the other hand, happy birthday! I don't scrap book so don't enter me. It looks like a lot of fun but I don't know how to do it.

    I just didn't want to miss telling you happy birthday.

  3. Happy Birthday. I am so sorry about Boots. It is so hard to lose a pet, especially when they have lived such a significant time and a long time in your life.

  4. Happy Birthday. So sorry to hear about your beloved cat. I know how it feels to lose a beloved pet.

  5. I'm so sorry about Boots, and am very glad putting together his photos has helped you grieve. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. HUGGGGGs

  6. Happy Birthday Missy. I am so sorry to hear about boots.


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