Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Goal and Treadling Video

I only have one quilting goal for this month and that is to finish my Great Granny Square Quilt and get it bound (or is it binded?  Just kidding).  It would help if my furbabies would move.
I had some people ask me to take a picture of my feet treadling after seeing my FMQ video. Let me warn you though, I don't like to wear shoes and am usually barefoot unless it is cold.  Here is my video of my doing my FMQ on my treadle.
I was really concentrating on my border, I had not secured it well enough and it was trying to wrinkle on me, so please excuse the look on my face.  Sue, from the quilt retreat, was kind enough to take this video for me, yes I was even barefoot there!

I have found that with the industrial treadle, as I get going, I am only pushing with my right foot.  If you have a treadle, you need to pull it out and use it, it is fun!

My other biggest goal is to get my house packed because we are moving the end of this month!  I think we found a rental in Gainesville, MO, but my friend's husband looked at it and she wants to send us pictures to make sure we are okay with it.  I really don't see where else we would be able to find a rental that will accept all of our cats, have good internet connection in a good neighborhood and won't make us sign a year lease since we are trying to buy a house after we move. Please pray that the Lord's will is done in this matter.  We don't care if it is an old house because it is just temporary.

Don't forget to enter the MyMemories Scrapbook Suite giveaway here!

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Daniel 2:21  "And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:"

My Button


  1. It seems that treadling and free motion quilting (or even straight stitching) is like patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time, LOL. You have a special coordination! I am so impressed.

  2. Thanks for the video Missy. It really makes me miss my treadle. I need to get a part for it, as it broke months ago. I haven't been able to find a darning foot that fits it though, but I love piecing and straight line quilting with it... I am always barefoot too ;)

  3. Wow moving at the end of the month. Love the pic of the furbabies, obviously they have claimed that space. I always sew either barefoot or when it is cold in my slippers.

  4. Missy I love it. I still have not cleaned mine. You know I am going to have to look at it closer? Does the feed dogs drop to do free motion? You make it look so easier my dear.

  5. Your cats-on-quilt-picture made me laugh! your work looks wonderful!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  6. Only wish I could find an affordable treadle! Loved your video. =) Good luck with your finish this month.

  7. no wonder our ancestors could keep their weight down....that is good exercise too! Praying that you will find the home you want and that the kitties can stop snoozing on the quilt long enough to let you work on it!

  8. I can see where the quilting might take a little longer with the fluffies all over your quilt :)

  9. Hello Missy,

    Love the vid! The gloves are a great colour too, they really go with the quilt.


  10. I have two treadles and haven't used them for years. I love the video and your attitude. Love the cats getting involved in your quilting, my poodle will have none of it. Hmm, he does love to sleep on a quilt.
    LeeAnna Paylor

  11. Great video Missy and I hope the house will work for you until you are able to buy one!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday


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