Friday, September 6, 2013

Update on Cupcake

Cupcake is doing a lot better!  I showed you her belly after the surgery here. 
 She is sleeping soundly with the other cats.  It was labor day weekend so I had to wait until Tuesday before taking her back to the vet, but by then it was a lot better so I did not take her.  I put colloidal silver  on her incision (which by the way, my clumsy kitten had "opened") and over the lump.  I also gave her a tiny bit internally, which she did not like!  I put a drop of lavender in coconut oil, very diluted because you have to be careful with cats and essential oils, then I put a q-tip in the solution (which lasted several days) and put it over the lump.  The lump is gone and she is healed!  Here's a video of her getting mad about taking her meds, please excuse the shoes all over the floor!  LOL  She always swats like that when she is mad at you, but her claws do stay in.

She decided my husband's pants made a good cat bed, Pippi was there earlier.  Shhh, don't tell my husband I posted this picture!
 I've been busy packing all week, at least the kittens are helping by packing themselves!
 I've been putting all of my blankets and quilts in one pile until I decide which to pack, which to use for wrapping furniture, etc.  Pippi found the one little hole under the basket handle and thought it would be the perfect place to sleep.
No quilting done this week,I hope to get some done next week.  My sweet husband is letting me take the car to a quilt retreat and he will be stuck at home for four days with the cats and no car.

What have you or your fur babies been up to this week?



  1. Pippi tucked in to the jeans is hilarious! Mine have never snuggled in clothing. I hope Cupcake continues to improve!

  2. Hi, did I mention you have an award waiting at my blog? Love reading about your adventures!

  3. Glad your kitty is feeling better. You have a lot of help packing there. They need some opposable thumbs to be of more assistance though. Have a wonderful weekend.


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