Monday, January 6, 2014

A finished top

I have a finished top finally!
I took like ten pictures to get one decent enough to use, even waited over an hour for the sun to move, tried blocking windows and everything.  I'm not sure if you can tell in the picture, but the red "spots" are actually sailboats.
The borders are on and today I will baste it.  I would have basted it yesterday but wanted to sweep and mop my kitchen floors first.  In my normal klutzy fashion, I was walking through a doorway and hit my middle knuckle so hard on the door jamb, that I had to wait hours before sweeping and mopping.  Then of course I had to wait for the floors to completely dry.  I also had to find the painter's tape, after searching through umpteen canisters and several boxes, I found it in a clear jar sitting on  my sewing machine cabinet!
My goal is to get as much of this quilted as much as possible this week, unfortunately the sewing room is in the sun room which is freezing right now. (It was -2 when I woke up this morning) Hopefully it will warm up later.  At least I will have my quilters gloves on to keep my hands warm.
I'm thinking of doing straight two inch lines, I just need to see how even my blocks are first because I want the lines to match up with the sashing.
I have one extra block, I'm thinking of writing the quilt label on it in the white area and putting it on the back of the quilt.  What do you think?
I am using a blue and white striped sheet for the back.

I have my hand crank set up in the living room.  I have been working on my string blocks in there in the evening when Chris is home, this way we are in the same room(and it's warmer in there after the sun goes down).  When I get it done, I can pack away my Christmas quilt and have another throw for the living room.
What is on your design wall this week?


  1. Missy, it's marvelous!!! I love this quilt -- it's such fun! And yes, you can tell that there are little sailboats in your border print -- perfect combination! Congrats!!! :)

  2. Your sailboats are really lovely! Hopefully you'll be able to quilt as much as you'd like! It's freezing here too and my sewing room is always frigid! So I feel your pain! :)

    I am giving away a fat quarter bundle on my blog today! I would love for you to come over and enter! Happy New Year!

    Inspiring Creations Giveaway

  3. Cute sail boat quilt! I like the pattern.

  4. Adorable quilt, Missy! I look forward to seeing it quilted!

  5. This is so pretty Missy. Love the sailboat pattern and color theme.

  6. It looks awesome! I'm sorry your sewing room is so cold. I used to have to work in a little cubby office that was frigid with a north window. I would drape a doubled over quilt across my lap to stay warm. Hopefully God will show you your new home soon :)

  7. Lovely finish. No they are not red blobs. Great finish. Sewing jewel box blocks together when I am not working. Can't wait to see your finish.

  8. Great quilt! Using the extra block as a label is a good idea. I can't remember how large your sailboat blocks are, but you could also make an accent pillow to go with the quilt if you were of a mind to do so. That would be another way to use that extra block.

    Nothing on my design wall this week. We have Stitchin' Camp starting on Thursday and running through Saturday. That'll keep me very busy, especially since both of my employees have quit on me. Looks like no rest for the wicked or the weary...and I'm very weary right now.

  9. I love the quilt Missy, it's just gorgeous. Well done!

  10. Sew cute, Missy. Good use for the extra block, too.


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