Friday, January 3, 2014

Feline Friday - Cat tip of the day

We got a new to me couch, from my stepmother.  She has had it for a long time, but it was in the formal living room and never used.  The cats love it, so I keep a blanket on it for them.  We call it the "calico couch".  Can you see why?  (yes my husband bought a Rte 66 pillow and put it on there.  When we move, all his Rte 66 stuff will be going in his office.)
Cupcake, Custard and Pippi
 Cats love to be "in" things and they just love my dress form, coat rack thingie.
 Cupcake was hamming it up for Chris to take pictures.
 Oreo got a bow tie to wear with his tuxedo!
 He was really posing for me too!
 Here is my cat tip of the day.  Cats like to be up high.  You need to provide a place for them to do that.  We have a cat tree.  When we move to a bigger house, we will buy a new cat tree and one will go in my sewing room as an attempt to keep them off my sewing machines!  They also need scratching posts, if they have a tendency to scratch someplace, put a small scratching post there.  We have small squares of carpet that the cats love to scratch on, I use them in their favorite spots to scratch on the carpet.
do you see Chris's office area in the back?  This will have to do until we buy our house.
 Cats love cats beds, They even share sometimes!
Oreo, Cupcake and Muffin

I hope these tips help!  Of course, I love any chance to show off my fur babies!

I hope you are keeping warm!


  1. so funny to see the cat in the dress form

  2. That really is a calico couch!! :-)

  3. I think you might need a bigger/dog bed so that Cupcake doesn't have to straddle 2 beds. LOL! Love the calico couch =^..^=

  4. Your kitties all look well fed and loved! Yes, I know about kitties wanting to be up high -- we have one kitty tree and are thinking about investing in another one. In our previous home there was a two story open loft. One of my cats loved giving me a heart attack by walking along the hand rail!!

  5. LOL cute pics. What mamma does not love to show off their babies?

  6. The cat in the dress form is adorable! You could make such a cute card with a photo of her in it.

  7.'re so good to your kitties! I'm not a cat fan personally, but I do like seeing your pictures. This grouping is especially sweet :o}

  8. Loved this post with all your sweet fur babies! Cats crack me up! They have such big personalities! It oozes from every one of your cat pics!! :)


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