Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feline Friday - early or is it a week late?

I had planned a cute Feline Friday post for Valentine's Day last week, but I got busy and forgot to write it.  LOL  We are moving Thursday, so I am going to be a little busy over the weekend and am writing my post now.  We got a rental, it is a cute whimsical house with a lot of character.  Which I like because I'm not a cookie cutter house kind of girl!
Custard, Oreo, Muffin and Cupcake
 My cats love sitting in their beds all curled up together by the window.  Muffin (the light colored one) sits there all day looking out that window!  Chris got the cats a Valentine pillow.  He got me one years ago that the calicoes like to "nurse" on.  Pippi started it when she was a kitten and the other two followed suit when they joined the family.
 All the cats love sleeping on it, I put it on top of the changing table I use as a cat bed for them.
Oreo, Pippi and Custard
The pillow at the far right is my pillow.  Chris got me a stuffed penguin  for Christmas, just to find out he really got it for the cats.  Muffin has claimed that one!

I am so glad my cats love each other - most of the time.

I am about half way done with my cat blocks, I'm hoping I have time to finish them next week, I only have one week to pack and move, but most of my stuff is still packed from the move three months ago!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh My! They are so cute! Good luck with your move.

  2. All the kitties look very cute. They just fit on the pillow.

  3. Wahoo! You got the rental house! I'm so excited for you. I look forward to your updates and pictures of your new home.

  4. Great you got the rental! Also how great is it you do not have to completely pack again?

  5. Happy to hear you've found a nice play, Missy! Looking forward to some pictures:)

  6. I love your kitty stories -- good luck with the move!

  7. And I so enjoy them loving each other too!!! I can't imagine moving again after just 3 months but the house sounds cute and I wish you luck packing up and settling in!

  8. Cute cats! I have three and that is enough for me!

  9. Moving again! Good thing you are still packed up. We've moved a house only once, the first was just the apartment, but it took months to find everything I tucked into "other boxes" knowing that I would remember what I did with it ! LOL. Can't wait to see the new place.

  10. Hope your move has gone well! I love the pics of all the kittens piled up on top of each other! LOL! :)


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