Monday, March 3, 2014

New Sewing Room

I am slowly getting my sewing room together.  I am so excited about finally having my own room to sew!  I got my grandmother's quilt hung, but I still need to find my sewing themed knick knacks to put up there. See that built in on the left?  That is why I chose this room, I think my husband's office might be a tad bigger, but I fell in love with this room when I saw it!

I also fell in love with the shelves in the closet, I knew they would be perfect for my sewing machines!
The first thing I hung up was this wall hanging I won from Michelle at  Aren't the spools perfect for my sewing room?  My sewing room is green and blue too, so the green is perfect!
I put my treadle and hand crank back to back to give myself more room along the walls, and this way I'm not staring at a wall all day.  I picked up the white cubbies in the corner at a yard sale, I need to find a couple more to make it higher because the cats like to eat my peace lilly whom my husband has dubbed Lilly.
I spray painted the changing table blue.  I still need to move those quilts out and use that shelf for more tubs.  Do you see Oreo on the middle shelf?  The top is designated as a cat bed.  I laid a flannel sheet and their pillow there, which Pippi is sitting on.  I thought this was a perfect place for some of my blue penguins.  To the right is my cutting table.  It is a card table and is bowing in the middle so my husband bought a piece of wood almost the size of my cutting mat, plus another piece of wood for the back of the table to hold all my stuff.  To the left are my spool holders which I also spray painted blue, it was all supposed to be aqua, but that was the closest color I could find.
Here is Muffin enjoying the quilts.
The colors are terrible in this picture, but I put one of my antique aprons on my dummie and she is also holding all of my measuring tapes.  I decided she needed a bit of bling and put a pearl necklace and a hat on her.
I found this picture on the internet and got it printed out at Walgreens and spray painted the picture frame, I hung it above my quilting table, between the window and quilt wall hanging.  It says "one who makes no mistakes, never makes anything"  I thought above the cutting table was a perfect place for it!
All I need now is to figure out where to put my bookshelves for all of my books!

I'm sure I'll still be moving things around and changing them as I go along.

Pippi loves the bathroom sink and drinking from the faucet!
I am just so happy about my sewing room!

I am still trying to get caught up on my blog reading after being without internet for over a week!  I also need to finish my cat blocks and get them mailed, unfortunately they will be a day late.  :(  But I did only have one week to move!



  1. Your room looks great, and I also want to say that you are very talented, talking on the phone AND taking pictures with your camera at the same time! (wink) ;)

  2. Lovely room! My goodness you've alot of machines. I could play in that room for hours!

  3. Your new sewing room looks lovely - lucky you! Hope you have many happy hours of stitching there!

  4. Your room looks really nice. The sink is interesting, sideways. You do get better access to the bowl that way.

  5. Yay and congratulations -- it looks fabulous!!! You must really feel 'at home' now that you're in your sewing space!! Glad the kitties are all making it 'their own' too!!! :)

  6. What a wonderful, welcoming space to create in! Congrats!

  7. That is a nice sewing space you've got there. I love what you did with the changing table and that blue is so pretty.

  8. Your sewing room is shaping up beautifully. I'm so glad you are settling into your home.

  9. Great space. Love what you have done for it and the arrangement.

  10. Congratulations on the new sewing room for you and kitties! As far as that plant goes -- good luck with that keeping it away from kitties -- there wouldn't be a place high enough for my cats!!

  11. Love the new space. It is beautiful!

  12. COngrats on your new space! It'a always so rejuvenating!! :)

  13. Beautiful room! You will have a lot of fun creating in there. =)

  14. Wow...look how much you've accomplished! Your room is looking great! Love the kitty spot too!

  15. Charming room -- all your work in organizing it will undoubtedly end in a frenzy of creative quilting!!

  16. Your room looks spectacular - you must be sew excited to be digging out all your supplies! Happy sewing and quilting!!!

  17. I love love your sewing room. It is so super cute. Your cats are so silly. I just love to see what they are up to. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog.

  18. Looks like you had a lot of fun arranging your stuff in your new space! It does look like a good size room. I'm sure once you start working in it, it will begin to speak to you and you'll definitely be rearranging! Every time I see your old Singer, I long for my mom's machine, which I still need to bring to my own house, one of these days!

  19. I also have one of those changing table... that I kept to reuse... but didn't know for what. Until now. I love your idea of using it to store quilts. Thanks for sharing your pictures and giving me this idea!
    P.S.: the hexies make a gorgeous background!

  20. Looks like a great space. Have fun getting organized. I'm sure Vicki will understand about the blocks being a day late.

  21. what a bright and cheery sewing room! I love looks like such a happy place and the kitties obviously agree!

  22. Awesome! I love the fact that the cats have a spot in there too. :-)

  23. Missy! The Granny Squares worked! I put a pic on my blog, but will try one here..You helped sooo much!

  24. What a pretty sewing room! I totally get you fell in love with this room!
    Just perfect!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  25. What a beautiful room Missy! I have my machines set up like that too as I don't want to stare at a wall! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  26. Missy I am so happy that you have moved into your new home. Hope to sea you at the TOGA

  27. Such an awesome space and you have made it into a quilter's delight!

  28. Happy TGIFF! You must be very productive in that "clean" room of yours. LOL.

  29. I just love love love your room...glad you are getting all settled in.

  30. Pretty new sewing room!! A beautiful place to create! xo Heather


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