Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Goals

I got behind in posting my goals while moving.  Even though I still have not unpacked everything (we moved all the boxes in the garage when we moved in so they are out of the way) I am ready to start sewing again!  Boy have I missed it!
Back in November after I moved into my temporary rental in Gainesville, MO from TX, I had asked for help in making blocks for a rail fence quilt for the prayer quilt ministry for a friend who had just escaped out of an abusive relationship.  Several bloggy friends took the time out of their busy schedules to send me blocks, I wanted the quilt done in January.  I had a friend who also knows my friend we are making the quilt for.  She said she wanted to make some blocks.  Then her baby got sick, then her machine was broken, she finally made her blocks and had the backing she was supposed to send me - but she never did.  I kept waiting on those dumb blocks that she kept insisting she was going to send to me.  I didn't need her blocks although it would have been nice to make the quilt bigger, but she wanted to help with the quilt since it is for the prayer quilt ministry.  I finally decided in the middle of February that I was not going to wait any longer and go ahead and sew the quilt together.  Then I moved on February 20 and have not had a chance to get back to the quilt until yesterday!
I sewed together the top three rows by the green tablecloth yesterday.  I think it is going to turn out great!  My goal this month is to finish this quilt in it's entirety.  I am going to TX April 25 for the T.O.G.A. and want to see her and give her the quilt.  I still need to make the label and I found some soft white material I will use for the backing.  Do you think it is big enough, or does it need a border?  I was thinking of skipping the border and just adding a solid red binding.
I was short one block and had to make one more block.  I love penguins and try to get a scrap of penguin fabric in my quilts as a sort of signature, this one matched perfectly!
I can't wait to have this quilt finished.  I am going to do a simple quilt in the ditch going across all the lines.  I think that would look nice on this quilt.

I really love this red and white combination!


A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. Hi Missy.
    Who says that every quilt needs a border? I think just a red binding would be fun. Have fun at the TOGA!

  2. Love this quilt! I agree that it doesn't need a border.

  3. Very nice! Such a simple but striking pattern. I need a quick quilt for a gift later this summer, so I might have to copy. I don't think it needs a border if it's big enough for a lap quilt or so. Good job!

  4. Well, on a busy quilt like this, I love a border to calm it down and keep it contained. Even a skinny one or two skinny, a white and red before the binding. I like borders except on art quilts that I make. The quilt looks very happy.

  5. It is looking great! I love the red and white. Border or not, it's a beautiful quilt.

  6. It's going to look fabulous with or without a border.

  7. The quilt turned out lovely. Great job and I don't think it needs a border either.

  8. I *totally* agree that it doesn't need a border ... I tend to roll that way with my own quilts. I *love* the red and white -- it's such fun! Getting your stuff out of storage was kind of like Christmas, huh?! :)

  9. I think it looks good as is and a solid red border will be perfect!!!

  10. Loving all those red fabrics! What a fun idea to have a "signature" in your quilts! Love that idea! :)

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday


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