Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sewing Room Update

My sewing room is still a work in progress!  The Wal-Mart in my small town was out of book cases for two weeks, I don't know if they ever got any in!  A friend of mine who is moving (so sad, will miss her) had a couple of book cases she was selling so I bought hers.  I have not put my books on them yet, I need to get my quilt sewn up off the floor first!
Now I need to figure out where to put more book shelves because I have hundreds of books!  We have an enclosed back porch, I wish it was insulated because it would make a great library if it was!
I put a cork board/bulletin board behind my cutting table.  It is great for hanging my long rulers on!
And this is what the table cloth hides under my cutting table.  The basket is where I put my strings and Tiger has decided that is a great spot to sleep!
I bought a great soft and fuzzy pillow at Wal-Mart.  It was the green I am wanting in my sewing room, so I put it on the top of the changing table where their cat bed is.
 As you can tell, they love it!  Their would probably be more cats on there if I moved my penguins!  LOL
 I'm thinking of buying one for the couch, but they do not match my living room!  LOL
Even with two windows, my sewing room is kind of dark, especially at night.  I found this chandelier for $3 at a thrift store!
 I want to put canning jars on it for the "chandeliers, but my husband will have to cut holes in the canning lids for my for it to fit because the holders are so small.  I would love to use my blue jars, but I'm afraid it might distort the lighting if I do.  What do you think?  Yes or no on the jars and yes or no on the blue ones?
Well, that is my update so far on my sewing room, still trying to "squeeze things in, but I'm running out of room!



  1. Your kitties are so adorable.

  2. I wonder if you can find some of the smaller canning jars that might fit your chandelier? It would just make things easier. I wouldn't use the blue for fear it would alter your colors but I love the idea of the blue jars on it :)

  3. I've seen some really cute ideas on pinterest for re-doing chandeliers. Your room is coming together nicely, have fun playing!

  4. That's great that you are getting everything in order. I would not use the blue although I think they would look really cute but might change colors or not be bright enough. I've used WalMart dot com ship to store when they didn't have what was in the store. If you pick it up at the store there is no shipping charge.

  5. Canning jars would be cool. Blue probably distort your color. In the basement I found an old light fixture which was from the house. The glass shade was this lovely etched and molded glass which was milky white that faded to pink on the edges. But the light is definitely pink.

  6. I love how your sewing room is coming together -- and how comfortable your kitties already are in it!! The idea of jars for your chandelier is a lovely one -- but I wouldn't use blue ones. They'd be pretty enough but they'd diffuse your light terribly and give all your fabrics a blue hue!! :)

  7. Yes on the jars, no on the blue ones. It will distort the colors. I have several different lamps in different areas of my sewing room. One over the ironing board, one for each machine space, one for my little sit down cutting/prepping area. I turn them on as I need them. I had a lime green, fake fur pillow when I was in jr high. It's now covered with blue corduroy, and sitting on my couch.

  8. I agree with not using the blue jars on the light fixture. We bought a stained glass fixture for the kitchen, and while it's pretty, it doesn't put out enough light. You need something that will direct the light from that fixture downward as much as possible unless you plan on having a lot of task lighting in your room.

    You could use your blue jars to hold liquid hand soap. They make pumps that go on screw caps. Very rustic, very cute. Or lemonade season is fast approaching. Those jars would be great for holding lemonade or sweet tea!

  9. It's coming together nicely...the cats sure approve! :)

  10. Yes on Mason jars, but no to blue. I can't wait to see it!

  11. It's coming together nicely, Missy! I say go for the blue mason jars ~ they'd be so pretty! And you can always pick up an inexpensive task light for your desk.

  12. I say no for the blue jars unless you have a really good/big Ott type light so the fabric colors are true. I keep basted hexies and such in my ball jars so maybe you could use the blue jars for somemthing else. Just love the furkids making themselves at home :)


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