Sunday, August 31, 2014

I won!!

I'm sorry I have been so quiet on here!  I might only be working part time as a teacher, but the day does not start and end when the bells ring.  I'm also an OCD planner which means everything takes twice as long!  I have not left the school before 5:00 yet, sometimes 6,  but I'm sure as I get the swing of things it will get much easier!

First of all, my cat quilt won the Pets on Quilt Show!  I can't believe it!  Thank you to all who voted for me!  Right now I have it hanging behind my desk in my classroom!  Here is the post of the Viewer's Choice winners and to see what I won.

I also won a quilt through a raffle at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  I am so excited!  Sarah is trying to help her daughter raise money for the adoption of a little deaf boy from China.  Be sure to check out the quilt here:

While I have been working, the cats snuck into my sewing room and made a mess.  They found the tulle and pulled it out of a box.

 I think I found the culprit though!
They have also learned how to manipulate doors!
They also claimed one of my quilts for "their" love seat.
Of course they have the cat beds set up in my husband's office and sleep in there while he is working.
I had a turtle as a class pet for a week, but he really started stinking with all of the heat, and yes I did clean the cage.  He is now back where he was found.  I'm sure Bob is a lot happier now!
I'm really hoping to have time to quilt tomorrow!

What have ya'll been up to?



  1. Congrats ! Your quilt is so cute!

  2. Yay Missy! Way to go! Sarah's quilt is a beauty!
    So is your cat quilt!
    That photo of cupcake cracks me up! I used to find our cat in drawers and behind doors. Gave us a few startles, to say the least. We always had to be careful not to accidentally shut him in.

  3. Congratulations! The furry ones look like they are adjusting well to mom working. LOL

  4. Congrats!! I had a feeling your quilt would win when I first saw it.

  5. Congratulations on your wins. I laughed at the opening doors because both of mine are very good at it too.

  6. Congrats on both your quilt wins!!! I also have a kitty who would open cupboard doors and drawers looking for food. I had to block the doors since he he could get in to some real trouble in that cupboard but he still tries to open it sometimes =^..^=

  7. Missy...there is no such thing as a part time teacher! Love your cats quilt.



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