Sunday, August 17, 2014


I've been super busy with getting my classroom for school, school starts on Tuesday! I've been trying to find good Christian books for my 3rd through sixth graders to read also.
 A couple of weeks ago we went to Branson for our 19th Anniversary, I found a groupon for an old fashioned photo.

I also got to briefly meet one of my bloggy and friends.  We were passing on a treadle for another friend.  We met in Springfield at the Bass Pro shop there, it's humongous!
Cheryl from Cheryl's Teapots 2 Quilting.  Be sure to check out her blog, like me, she does all of her quilting on people powered machines, but she has a lot more then I do!

I'll leave you with a cute picture of Pippi.  She thinks this is her rocking chair, LOL
Don't forget to vote for me at Lily Pad Quilting!  All of the links are in this post.

Pray for me as a start a new school year, it's been a few years since I taught in a school!



  1. Congratulations on your new job. It is so much fun (and rewarding) to help children develop reading skill that they will use all their lives. I hope your first week with children is every bit as good as my first week with my students!

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary and your pictures is sooo cute How cool to meet some online friends.

  3. The photo is so pretty! I think it is your era, you look so natural in the dress and what a beautiful dress !!

  4. Lucky you and Cheryl to meet each other... how fun!
    Love your old fashioned photo!

  5. Hope the new job is going well. I've been so busy since we finally got home, that I haven't had time to keep up with blog reading.


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