Sunday, October 26, 2014

My sewing Room!

I thought I would share more pictures of my sewing room with you!  Here are pictures of my new cutting table.

My sewing corner 

 Here is the machine where I do all of my quilting.

My Singer 16 U288 1891 Industrial treadle, with Muffin

To the left is my handcrank where I do all of my small piecing.  It is in a green cabinet I bought at a thrift store.
Singer Red Eye 66, back clamping, converted to a hand crank, 1918
The next is the treadle that sew my bigger quilting pieces on, like strips and stuff.  It has Lotus decals on it.  This was my, "I want that" machine.
Singer 66, back clamping, 1915
Over here I have my electric Elnita that needs to be tested out.  On top is my portable hand crank that you have seen before, my Singer 99 that is a 3/4 size of the 66's above.  It was originally electric, but was missing the knee bar.  Beside it is an old changing table that the top is used for a cat bed and the lower shelves hold my ongoing projects.
 This is my closet area and my Singer 12 that needs a lot of cleaning still.  She is from 1872.
 I still need a needle plate and needles for her.
Here is the top of my closet.
That is my sewing room, yes, all but two of the machines are used!  The Elnita and 12 are not used yet.
Muffin is hosting my Feline Friday post and will have more to show you!

How many sewing machines do you use?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Cherries and Strawberries!

Kay of Massachusetts traded two more blocks with me!  She had cherries and strawberries and I just love them!  They will also add some more red to quilt.
Today is Feline Friday, so I need to share some more cat pictures with you!
Muffin and Pippi love each other so much.
I caught Oreo in an undignified pose.  That's Tiger in the background.
Custard is such a sweet sleeping baby.  That is Muffin's back she is curled up to.
I have not gotten any sewing done this week.  We are having parent teacher conferences this week, which means some very long days!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

new cutting table/desk

I was at a thrift store, about a month ago, that was going out of business and found this desk for one dollar!  I thought it would be perfect for my cutting table/sewing table!  I was using a wobbly card table for my cutting table and the dining room table for electric sewing machine.
My husband volunteered to paint it green for me!  He also added grey to the front drawers.
The drawer that is supposed to hold a computer is perfect for my Janome and some of my tubs.  There is even a small shelf for my teflon glider!
 I was able to put my caddy that holds my scissors, rotary cutters and stuff in the bottom drawer.  It is nice and deep.  Of course Tiger wanted to be in the picture.

 The middle drawer holds some of my attachments and stuff.  Of course a delinter for all of the cat hair is also in there.
 I was able to fit my big mat and my small rotating mat on it also.  It is a BIG desk!
 I used one of my cork boards from my old Sunday school class to hold the bigger and smallest  rulers.  Do you see Oreo's tail in that picture?
This is the desk before the drawers were added.
Here is a close up picture.  (The beach towel on the back of my chair goes over my industrial head because I have not made a cover for it yet.  It helps with cat hair and dust)
In order to get that big desk in there I had to rearrange the whole room.  It was already a mess and everything got moved to the middle of the room.  It was actually worse then this because all of the machines were also with that mess!
 My husband also painted my three dollar chandelier.  I was going to put jars on there, but no matter what way I try, it just will not work.  Oh well.
Tomorrow, I'll show you the rest of my sewing room!  Now that it is clean again I should be able to get some more sewing done!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Busy Weekend!

I did not get any sewing done this weekend, instead we painted the living room.  I wanted grey walls and asked my landlord if I could paint and he bought the paint for me.  It was my husband's idea to paint the trim a darker grey, which I think really made it pop!
My living room is so much brighter now!  It was very dark and dreary before.
The background in this picture will give you an idea how dark it was.
I just need to make slip covers and pillows now!
What did you do this weekend?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I got my blocks!

Yeah, I got my blocks back from the canning jar block swap!  All of these blocks were made on either a hand crank or treadle sewing machine.
Below I have pears, lemons and two blueberries from Kansas and California.  Made on a 1935 Singer 15-88, 1963 Singer 15-91 hand crank and a 1920 Vesta-B hand crank.
Below I have two tomatoes and two different peppers from North Carolina, California, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.  They were made on an 1885 Davis Vertical Feed, 1937 Singer 28K hand crank crank(k means it was made in Scotland), a Minnesota "A", and a 1957 Singer 128K hand crank. 

Below I have autumn corn, sliced cucumbers, sliced onions and asparagus from New Mexico, South Carolina, Pennsylvania and Illinois.  These last ones were made on an 1898 Singer 27, VS2 hand crank, 1914 Davis NVF, 1953 Singer 201K hand crank and a 1959 Singer Spartan - 192K hand crank.

You know at least one of my cats had to photo bomb!  This time it was my Muffin Man.

I have these leftover blocks to swap out.  I need to keep at least one.  I have up to four peanuts and oranges and three asparagus and carrots to swap out.  If you want to trade out any of these blocks just let me know!  I might even have extra fabric if I need to make more!

I'll be finishing these blocks tomorrow night after work, I promise!

I think my favorite print are the peppers because of all of the colors in them!  Which one is your favorite?


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

caning jars update

 Talk about photo bombing!  I put my blocks on the floor to get a picture, and I do not have one picture without a cat in it!  Custard and Oreo were being pretty stubborn and were not happy when I moved them to pick up the blocks!
This is all I have done the past few days, I did complete one whole block though!  I have not gotten my blocks back from the swap yet, my poor husband, every day I come home from work and make him walk out to the mailbox and check the mail.  (It's been pouring so I've been making him go).  I just love that orange fabric I found and I have a lot of it!   For those making canning blocks, does anyone want to trade for some oranges, carrots, brussel sprouts or peanuts?  I ran out of black material when making my blocks and did not make as many as I wanted to send.  I'll share a picture of what I get as soon as I get them!  LOL



Custard again
Everybody are brothers and sisters, except Pippi who is their aunt - LOL
If you have made a canning jar block quilt can you share pictures so that I can see it? Feel free to share your link in the comments section!

Thank you,

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Churn dash block

I finished my churn dash block for Renee at Sewn With Grace.  She is having all the main fabric to be pink!  This is going to be such a cute quilt!    I want to make a one of these quilts now!  I'll just have to decide what color I want.  My mom wants me to make a quilt for her best friend, "Aunt" Ginny.  I think this would be a good one, but first I still need to finish the quilt for my bed!
It has realy been raining her and pretty chilly, in the 50s and 60s, so glad I'm not in TX where it is 100!  I'll take the rain any day.  My roses are loving it!
Tiger has become part of the furniture around here.  He's just hanging around!
Pippi loves my new spot for my quilts.  I found that pillow at a thrift store in TX.
The kids loved science class on Friday, they got to play with worms!  LOL  This week we are learning about insects.
I am trying to put together a list of stores who offer discounts for teachers, if you know of any place will you please share?

Have a blessed week!


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Whoops and a laugh

Whoops!  I think I need to pay more attention to the block I am sewing then to the TV!  I guess
I will just have to fix it tomorrow then because it is time for bed.  I have ladies bible study at 8:15 am and then work after that.

I took some really cute (and one very funny) picture of my kittens.  Did I ever tell you how I got my "kittens"?   A very controlling man told my friend, 30 minutes before they were to move out of state, that she could not take the seven week kittens with her and had to leave them behind.  So who do you think she called?  Me of course, we fell in love with them and now have eight cats.  They are now over a year old and have some of the best personalities!  Just goes to show that God can always take good out of a bad situation.  They are all brother and sisters.
Cupcake in mid-yawn in one of her favorite spots - my chair.

Oreo in one of his favorite spots, a basket with a pillow.

Custard who thinks the love seat belongs only to her.
I hope everyone has a very blessed day!

I am going to link up with Sarah at her Feline Friday on Friday!  Be sure to link up any cat posts you have!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Around The World Blog Hop

I am a bad blogger!  I had two wonderful bloggy friends tag me to participate in the hop last week and I decided to go ahead and participate since I have had other people ask me to participate but I was just way too busy after school started.  So what do I do?  I forgot to write my post for today!  I am late and I very sorry for that!

Cheryl from Cheryl's Teapots 2 Quilting tagged me and her post last week is here:
Sarah from Sarah Did It also tagged me, you can see her post here:

 1. What am I working on?
I have been working on my scrappy trip around the world blocks for almost two years.
 I have just a few left to make.
 I am a part of the Sew Sweet Bee from Donna's Lavender Nest and am doing a BOM from Quilt Doodles.

 2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I'm a copy cat and do not have any original ideas.  I love vintage quilts, shabby chic, brights, cherries, strawberries and more!
 3. Why do I write/create what I do?
I love to talk and since most of my friends could care less about my quilt talk what better place for me to talk then on a blog?  I am a teacher at heart and love to share everything.
 4. How does my writing/creating process work?
I love reading other people's blogs and seeing what they make, I also love to read books and magazines.  I appreciate everyone who shares their knowledge and creations with me and everyone else.    As far as writing my blog, I just write about whatever pops into my head.  The main thing though is God is my foundation, He is the one who has made me the way I am (the good parts, LOL) and given me the desire to quilt, decorate cakes and write to all my friends on my blog.  It is through His Word that I grw and try to become a better person.

Let me tell you a little more about myself though.  I a crazy redhead who owns eight cats.  I also collect penguins and try to put a penguin material somewhere

in all the quilts I give to people.  I am a Texan/Southern girl who now lives in Missouri.  I love to quilt, decorate cakes, read, teach and spoil my fur babies.  I teach part time at a small Christian school and I love it!   I do all of my quilting on hand cranks and treadles and love it!

 My husband and I love traveling Route 66, so far we have done from California to Texas and need to finish from Texas to California.  I hope you come and join me again at my blog!

I just joined Instagram, I'm not sure how often I will post on there, but you are welcome to follow me! 
 I am also on Pinterest.

Pr 18:24  A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.