Sunday, December 14, 2014


Twas the night before Christmas,
And the quilts were not made,
The threads were all tangled, the cookies delayed.
The stockings weren't hung, the pantry was bare,
The poor weary Quilter, was tearing her hair.
Stacks of fat quarters, tipped over in streams,
Visions of Log Cabins had turned into dreams.
 When what to her wondering eyes should appear,
But a bus full of quilters with all of their gear.
They went straight to work with just a few mutters,
Sorting and stitching and brandishing cutters.
The patterns emerged from all of the clutter,
Like magic the fabrics arranged in a flutter.
Log Cabins, Lone Stars, Flying Geese and Bear Tracks,
Each quilt was a beauty---even the backs!
 Her house how it twinkled, her quilts how they glowed,
The cookies were baking, the stockings were sewed.
Their work was all done, so they folded their frames,
And packed up their needles, without giving their names.
They boarded the bus and checked the next address,
More quilts to be made, another quilter in distrss.
 She heard one voice echo, as they drove out of sight...
"Happy quilting to all, and to all a good night."

Author - unknown
Since I do not put up a Christmas tree, we hang garland all over the place and hang ornaments from it.

I just wanted to share some of my Christmas decorations with you!

Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas. I have enough trees up for both of us (and more). We're up to 6 trees so far (no ornaments on 2), and I may put up another one tomorrow, for my son who is coming (don't worry, only one is full size, the rest are small trees).

  2. Your house looks so cheerful. Love that Christmas quilt.

  3. You decorate for such a Charming Christmas Missy! Loved the poem - lots of smiles and laughs reading it! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love all your decorations! Very festive!

  5. Cute poem and your decorations are very pretty. We put up a tree, the rest of my chatzkys may stay packed though with little hands around.

  6. I think you should put up a Catmas tree! Have you seen the Facebook photo of the kitten sticking its head out through the branches among the other ornaments! You have enough cats to have a whole set of kitten ornaments! They would have a ball.

    Very pretty cat quilt too!!

  7. Great poem!! Love your alternative to a Christmas tree too. I use a potted Norfolk pine as my tree. I've had it several years, one of two plants that have managed to stay alive under my care. I move it from my living room to my family room for Christmas; it's getting a bit tall for that this year, and it's beginning to lean. Hmmm, may have to think of something else for next year!

  8. Send then to my house, I am pulling out my hair

  9. Send then to my house, I am pulling out my hair

  10. Love the poem. Your house looks great.
    Merry Christmas.


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