Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sew Sweet Bee

This month's Queen Bee of the Sew Sweet Bee is Erin at Why Not Sew Quilts.  Be sure to check out her blog!  She wanted a sampler quilt and told us to pick our favorite block.  My favorite is the pinwheel and I found this variation of  a double pinwheel and I just love it!  I would pick this block for my month if I was not already in the process of a pinwheel quilt!  What is you favorite block for a sewing bee?  Can you share any links to 12 1/2 inch blocks that you like?  My month is August and I can't pick a block!!  LOL  I want the colors of aqua, red and yellow.
 It started off cold and rainy this morning, but by three was warm and sunny!  Here is a rare picture of five of my cats together!
Starting at the top:  Oreo, Custard, Pippi, Squeeky and Cupcake.
I bought a Boston fern for my bedroom, they are great air purifiers!
 My mom is here for my surgery on Tuesday.  Thursday we went to the old fashioned soda fountain at the drug store.  (Yep, no makeup!  This is the REAL me!)
We had chocolate sodas!

 Friday we went to Silver Dollar City in Branson and had a lot of fun.
I picked her up from the airport on Wednesday and we had lunch at the Aviary in Springfield.  They have delicious crepes there and a wonderful atmosphere.  This display was in the bathroom.
We are having a cookout on Sunday after church with our friends.  Monday I am on a liquid diet before my surgery so we are staying home and can hopefully finish painting my dining room set before my surgery.

I hope ya'll have a great Memorial Day weekend!


"7  For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
8  Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;
9  Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,"
II Timothy 1:7


  1. I just love the cat tower on the porch, my cats would love it! I hope your surgery goes well on Tuesday! Sending prayers.

  2. Remember He carries us in the good times and the hard times and He promises never to leave us or forsake us. Great of your mom to come and help you!

  3. Amazing that you got such a great photo with all five of your beautiful cats.

    I'm happy to know your mom is with you. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. I'm confident all will go well with your surgery, but I'd really appreciate it if you share whom I can contact or ask someone let me know, within a few days of your surgery. I'll be worried, but again I'm sure you'll be fine. Stay positive and stay strong. Just wish I was nearby so I could come paint your toe nails a bizarre color and maybe put on a bozo wig and nose for you to give a chuckle to your doctor and nurses as you go into surgery.

    Very big hug.


  4. Such a pretty block. I am so glad your mamma is there to help and you are getting lots of fun in before the big day!

  5. I thought about you on Wednesday, as we stopped at Bass Pro Shop, while driving thru Missouri, on our way home from Oklahoma (son's wedding). Hope the surgery goes well. You are in my prayers. Glad your mother is there with you.

  6. You are in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Please update as soon as you can. Hugs!!


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