Monday, June 1, 2015

Update on Surgery

Today is the first day I have been able to stay awake long enough to get on the internet.  I had my surgery on Tuesday.  They took out part of my colon because the mass was attached to it.  They also had to take out my appendix and a complete hysterectomy except one ovary, and of course the 5 1/2 inch mass was removed.  They they think they got all of the endometriosis and there was no cancer.    The one ovary was left so that I will experience menopause naturally.  My incicision is from my bikini line to a few inches above my belly button.  I came home on Sunday.  I am very naseus and have thrush in my mouth which makes it hard to eat or take my pain pills.  Basically,  I'm just miserable.  Please continue to pray for my recovery.



  1. Prayers for improvement in how you feel and thanksgiving for the no cancer diagnosis!

  2. Oh, my! The thrush is not fun! I really hope your little town has probiotics such as Jarro Brand or KAL Probiotics-4 so you can really dose up and get rid of it in a hurry. I'm glad your outcome otherwise is so good. Get plenty of rest and do as little as possible so you can heal quickly--and so you can begin walking in a few days. (Just slow walks can work wonders!) Hugs!

  3. Sounds like you had a rough time. Pretty radical stuff. Keep resting. I find listening to Pandora, like Chris Tomlin, really helps when I need to rest and focus on the important instead of the urgent.
    Will continue to pray and intercede on your behalf.

  4. Praying for you. Sending (((hugs))) too! 🙏🏻

  5. Praying for you!! So thankful there was no cancer. Just take it easy. ((hugs))

  6. I was just wondering about this last night. I'm so sorry you had to go through this! Sending prayers that you recover very quickly. Thank goodness it was not cancer and won't be in the future since you have this taken care of. Just keep thinking that it will get better soon and you'll be back to normal.

  7. NO one should have to experience THRUSH! I have so I know how irritatinig it can be. I don't know your location, or ins but you shuld be able to ask for a Rx of Difulcan to get almost immediate relief.
    another "homemade cure" is a tsp of Baking soda to a cup of warm water and swish and spit DO NOT SWALLOW. It is not as good of a tx though. If on Antibiotics, I always start taking Acidophilus 2 pills about an hr after each antibiotic. and I try hard to go sugar free as the yeast of thrush grows on sugars!
    Diflucan works over night.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  8. Oh poor sweetie! That is very somolar to my mom's surgery she had too years ago. Hugs and prayers for comfort and a quick revovery.

  9. Oh sweet Missy, I missed this, somehow! Praying for you and for a speedy recovery. Rejoicing with you that there is no cancer!!

  10. I'll keep the prayers coming and it WILL get better. Hang in there! HUGGGGGGGs

  11. Endometriosis is an awful thing. Missy I will pray that you heal quickly and well! Thanking God that there was no cancer! I hope you will be able to eat and sew very soon.
    Hugs Galore!

  12. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Rest well sweet friend.

  13. I've been praying since before your surgery. I'll continue to pray that you heal quickly. My oldest had thrush when he was a baby. Not fun, sorry. Glad they got everything. Cuddle up to the kitties for some TLC.

  14. That's quite a lot of surgery to endure! Praying for your swift recovery.

  15. I hope you start feeling better soon. {{hugs}}

  16. Missy, I just popped over here and found this post. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, and I will ask the study blog folks to lift you up in their prayers, too. I'm so happy that there was no cancer. Take good care of yourself, and snuggle with the kitties. Sometimes they are the best medicine.


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