Friday, June 5, 2015


Recovery seems to be very slow but a little better each day.
Evenings are spent with Cupcake in my lap.
My husband has been great.  He spends his evenings keeping me entertained.  We have been playing triple yahtzee.

He works from home, so he is able to help me through the day, which is great since I still have trouble getting out of the cahir sometimes.  I can't take a shower without help since I can't bend over to turn the water on and off and he has to help me in and out of the tub to take my shower.  I can finally get out of my bed on my own so I don't have to wake him up every time I need to go to the bathroom during the night.  The downside is that he doesn't have time for stuff like mowing the lawn.

I have been keeping my meds in a basket with a small dry erase board so I can keep up with what time I took my meds.  This system is working pretty good for me.

I'm hoping to be able to start hand quilting today, my hands have been too shaky until now, not to mention my habit of fallin asleep in the middle of doing things.

It's time for a nap - again!  LOL
Have a great weekend ya'll!



  1. Good luck with your continued recovery. Glad you are feeling better every day. A little quilting therapy will do wonders! Thinking of you!

  2. As long as you don't poke yourself with the needle, falling asleep hand quilting, won't be a problem. Glad you are getting better.

  3. Can't ask for a better evening than with a cat in your lap! I'm sure you'll be humming along on the hand quilting project soon enough. As KaHolly said - quilting therapy will do wonders! Wishes for a continued & speedy recovery are coming to you from Squeaky, Midgie and Zorro!

  4. It does sound better Missy, but still pretty rough. Praying that each day brings more improvement!!! And thank God you have such a great husband!

  5. I've been way behind on my blog reading and just now realized you had some surgery. I'm so glad for the positive news that there was no malignancy...Praise God! And am praying for your continued and fast recovery.

  6. Missy, I'm sorry I missed your posts about your surgery and hope you have a good recovery. Thank God there was no malignancy! You are fortunate to have a wonderful husband to help you too! Get well soon!

  7. Take it easy you will be well soon. Rest while you can. Glad you are feeling better though. Have a great weekend. 😀

  8. You will feel better soon. Your pain will subside and you can back off of the pain meds which means you will be more awake. It takes time after big surgeries to feel more normal. I'm so glad your husband is home to help you! And I love your dry erase board idea. You are in my prayers as you continue to recover.

  9. Cupcake is recovering too! It is stressful when your mamma isn't feeling well. Take it slow. Glad that the hubby can be home to help you.


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