Monday, August 31, 2015

An Invitation!

I want to invite you to a new T.O.G.A.(Treadle-on Gathering Academy)!  It is in Mena, AR on Oct. 1-4.  TOGA's are a lot of fun, if you love treadle or hand crank sewing machines, you want to come! If you just want to learn more about them or maybe even buy one, this is the place to go.   I live in MO about 4 1/2 hours from there and cannot wait to go!  Did I mention it is free?  There will be a raffle to help raise money to pay for the rental of the building.  If you are interested in going, Just look up Arkansas Treadlers on Yahoo groups.  You can sign up to come in the data bases.  It is so much fun, I hope you can come!  If you look in my sidebar on the left, I have a category for TOGA, check out what the North East TX TOGA is like.

Let me know if you have questions!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Please vote for me!!

Please vote for my fur babies on the Pats On Quilt Show!!  You can see the entries here:  My post is number 14!

Vote here:

Here is my post!

I am probably a little biased, but I love my babies the best!

I got a new couch and Tiger loves it!  LOL

Have a great weekend ya'll!


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Binding Tip

Everybody has their own way of making binding.  I am going to share with you my way, and if you want to share any tips, please do!
I start off with a 2 1/2 inch strip.  The first thing I do is fold it in half length wise and iron it to give me a fold down the center.

Then next thing I do is fold each side to meet in the center and iron again.
Then I fold it together again and iron once more to put the crease back.

I use the creases as my guides when I sew my binding on.

I'm still learning new techniques for sewing on my binding and hope to one day buy one of those binding makers and see how they work.  Have you ever used one?

I have to leave you with a cute cat picture laying on the quilt with the binding from above.
Pippi and Muffin
I am linking up to a new linky party at Podunk Pretties, Friday will be a linky party at Quilt Shop Gal.
Don't forget to vote for my entry into the Pets on Quilts Show, voting begins on August 27!

Have a great day ya'll!


Friday, August 21, 2015

New Quilt Block

Hello everyone!  I got my first block in my Sew Sweet Bee Quilt blocks from Donna at Donna's Lavender Nest.
To see the blocks I am getting from everyone, go here.  I love the red and yellow she used!
She also has an Etsy store and I finally bought the Farm Girl Vintage book from her.
She also sent me some great cat themed fabric that I keep petting!  I'll need to plan something special for these!
Sorry about the colors, my dining room has no windows!

I have been super busy this week, it was the first week of school!  I am the Science teacher for 3-6th grade at a Christian School.  I am thoroughly exhausted, but it is a good exhausted!

Open House with one of my students.

My hermit crabs

My science corner

My reading corner

One of my hermit crabs, the kids named him Big Boy

Muffin was fascinated when I put them in this small terrarium to carry them back to school
I also had a fun weekend with friends on Sunday
Hopefully I'll have time to quilt this weekend, but I still have a lot of school planning to do now that I have an idea how the week will go.

How was your week?


Monday, August 17, 2015

Pets On Quilt Show 2015

Today is the official start of the Pets On Quilts Show at Lily Pad Quilting! (vote here, I am number 14 and entered cats on quilts) I look forward to this show every year!  This year I am submitting a picture of Custard and Cupcake on the cats on quilts category.  They are sisters and are so sweet in this picture!   Be sure to go and vote for your favorite entry, of course I hope you vote for me!!
Of course, right before that picture was taken, they were fighting while their brother Oreo slept in the background!

This quilt is my Scrappy Trip around the World quilt that took me two years to finish!  They liked laying on the quilt pieces while I was making it two years ago and know they love that it is finished!


Tiger and Oreo


Before I leave, I want to show you the rest of my cats (at least 7 out of 8).
Pippi, Precious, Oreo, Muffin, Tiger, Cupcake and Custard!
Thank you for visiting my blog!!


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Small Finish

For those of you who do not know, I am a teacher at a small Christian school.  School starts Monday and open house is on Thursday this week.  That means I have been super busy getting ready for school, with no time to quilt.  Muffin is enjoying the quilt though.  Our 20th Anniversary was on August 5, but I still have not finished my husband's quilt.

I did straight lines on the small inner border and am working on small cobblestone like FMQ on the outer border.
 For our anniversary, my husband got me a new serger, my first one!  I wanted to try it out and needed new curtains for my bathroom.

 I used some 6 1/2 inch rail fence blocks I found, to add to the top.
Unfortunately, once I got them up I realized they did not match my new shower curtain (which is why I needed new curtains).

 This summer I have kept my hermit crabs on my cutting table in my sewing room.  Cupcake insists on sleeping on top of it when I forget to close the door.  I was blessed with a bigger aquarium for the crabs, unfortunately it needs a lid.  I will be glad to get my sewing table back!

As you can tell from my above picture, I also use an electric sewing machine.  I usually only use my treadles for quilting.  What kind of machine do you like to use?


Friday, August 7, 2015

This and That

 I wanted to share some more quilty finds from my trip.  I spotted these vintage quilts at the first stop on Route 66 which was an antique store also.

 This fan quilt looks like it was probably made in the 80's, I saw it at another antique store in another town on Route 66.
 I love the embroidery details.
 I liked this picture we took in Joplin, MO, I'm really mad at myself for not looking up the quilt store there.
 I saw these quilty patterns in the tile on the Riverwalk in San Antoinio.

 These hexagons were the floor in an old hotel in San Antonio
 Our last stop was the blue whale and my camera died, so I had to use my phone!  I can't believe I forgot to recharge my battery the night before!
 I had to take a picture with the kuku bird from kuku hamburgers, another icon on Route 66.

We can't have a Friday without cat pictures (I just realized it is Friday this evening!  My hermit crabs have been living on my cutting table this summer.  I'll be happy to get my table back, but will miss having the crabs handy.  The children at school will love them though.
 My cats will miss the excitement of them crawling around.
I've been busy getting my classroom ready for school, it starts in one week!


Fort Worth Fabric Studio