Thursday, September 22, 2016

Vintage Tablecloths

In homemaking class we learned how to properly set a table. 
 I let her use my good China to set the table.
 We had our big test on Ancient Greece in History.  We wore togas and had Greek food, Dolmas, Greek olives, and Feta cheese.

 We used my old book on etiquette written by Emily Post.
I let my student choose which tablecloth she wanted to use.  Out of all of my new and old tablecloths, she picked my vintage ones!
 I love this vintage tablecloth I got at a yard sale.  I love the hand embroidered yellow daisies.  Someone spent a lot of time on this tablecloth.

 I also taught her how to layer tablecloths for another look.  This red tablecloth, I picked up at a yard sale, is too small for my table.  We wanted to use it, so we laid it diagonally on top of the white one.  Do you see Tiger sitting on the chair?

In case you missed my other vintage tablecloth here is a picture of it.
If it wasn't for my cats, who are sneaky when we aren't looking, I would leave a tablecloth on my table at all times.

Do you like vintage tablecloths?  I love them!


  1. I like table cloths, vintage and new, but, I seldom use them. My guys don't like them and they tend to get pulled and messed up. I do keep one on my dining room table (which we seldom use), but, I use placemats in the kitchen. My dining room table is way too large for vintage cloths. They were usually for much smaller tables.

  2. I really like the red one - such vibrant colors! It's great that you found several in such good condition. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Janet

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  5. What a lovely and inviting table setting. Of course, all your vintage table cloths are beautiful too. And lucky you for having an old copy of Miss Manners. Would be fun to read. I wonder what she'd think of society today?


    ps - thanks for letting me know about the no reply blogger issue. My bad, but I think I fixed it.

  6. Your tablecloths are beautiful. I love and use vintage tablecloths (but use them only when company comes -- otherwise we're a bare table family). I find them at thrift stores and auctions, but so often they have stains. Try as I might, I usually can't remove them. I've recently thought of just appliqueing something over the stains and cutting out behind.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  7. Love vintage table clothes but haven't used one for a while.

  8. I LOVE that red vintage tablecloth! It caught my eye right away.

  9. I love vintage tablecloths and would love to own some. Did you see that some people are quilting them as whole cloth quilts? Very stunning.

  10. Your table is beautiful and yes, I love vintage tablecloths. I have a couple, but rarely use them. You mentioned 'your student'... do you teach home ec? I don't think many of the schools around here have that class any longer. It was one of my fav's in school, back in the day!!!

  11. We have a collection of vintage table cloths at our home and use them all the time. We would not be without them. They can evoke such happy memories and we greatly admire the workmanship that has gone into them. So nice that you can share your love of these with those of the next generation.


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