Saturday, December 31, 2016

Last Finishes of 2016

I finally made curtains for my sewing room.  I put up temporary ones after we moved in, back in April.  I just could not decide on what fabric I wanted to use.  I was going to put a ruffle on the curtains, but I think I like it the way it is.  The shutters were on the windows when I moved in.  They were specially built for these windows.  I was thinking of taking them off to open up the windows more, what do you think?
When we moved in, my realtor gave me a gift certificate for $25 to a fabric store.  This was in April, I lost the certificate (the fabric store was an hour away).  Last week when I switched purses, I found it in an old purse!  Yesterday, I went to the store and found Pam Kitty fabric for $5.99 a yard!
These are the curtains that were in my sewing room when I moved in, everything was still a mess.

I only got five yards of fabric, but it was some fabric I had been wanting!  Next time I got to Springfield, I will have to pay the store another visit!
This is how my cats spent their time while I was sewing.
 I also finished hand stitching around this cake block, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
This is all of the sewing I finished this week and I had the whole week off!  I did go ahead and take down my Christmas decorations and rearranged a lot of decorations.  I switched out this quilt with another quilt, easy way to change decor in my rooms by switching them around.
Have a happy new year everyone!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Conclusions

I hope you all had a great Christmas!  My husband heard me say several times that I wanted a little iron on a stick to press my seams open with.  For Christmas he bought me exactly what I wanted!  I have not had a chance to test it out, I've been busy packing up decorations before school starts up.  He also bought me a rotating mat, unfortunately he bought me the same size he got me a couple of years ago instead of the smaller size I wanted, however, at least he remembered I wanted one!

 Last week, before Christmas, we went to Kentucky and visited the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, and they had a huge Christmas Town.

 Ice skating at Fountain Square in Cincinnati, OH (I have always wanted to ice skate outside!)

 We also went to see the life size replica of Noah's Ark in Williamstown, KY.  It is a museum all about Noah's Ark and is pretty awesome!
We finished the week out by going to two Christmas parties on Friday, watching Christmas movies in our pajamas on Saturday, and church on Sunday with lunch afterwards.

I hope you had a good Christmas!


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Presents Finished!

Ten days until Christmas!  I finally finished making my last four snappy bags.
My husband is such a sweetheart, he cut and taped my tape measures for my snappy bags, while I sewed.  He saved me a lot of time!

Except for the one I gave at a Christmas party, here are all of the snappy bags I made.  I am giving one to my niece for her to keep her Barbie accessories in.  

Here are some of the ornaments I made, ready to give.
Cupcake likes hanging out in the sewing room with me.  You can see pieces of fabric and thread all over the floor.  I really need to vacuum!
My student gave Oreo a Christmas collar.  He actually does not seem to mind it.  Cupcake and Pippi took it right off and Tiger will not let it near his head.

I had to share this girl's hair.  Don't you love the Star on her head?

I need to get busy and finish wrapping all of the presents and get them mailed off today!
My favorite gifts are gifts that are homemade, what about you?

These are my finishes for the week, I'll be very happy if I can actually finish my husband's bath robe.


Monday, December 12, 2016

How to Backstitch on a Treadle Sewing Machine

I have often been asked how to backstitch on a machine that does not have reverse.  It is actually pretty easy when you think about it.  Of course there are many different ways to do it.
Scented with essential oils, cinnamon, clove, and orange.  

I was making gingerbread men on my hand crank sewing machine and needed to lock my stitch, so I made a video for you!

I hope this helps anyone who has had a question about it!


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Christmas Parties!

I had two Christmas parties today!  I forgot to take my phone to the quilt guild party this afternoon, but I did take a picture of the food I took to the party.

 I made my stepmom's candy cane cookies.
As you can tell, it is a very old recipe!
This afternoon was the Christmas party at my Homemaker's group.  I made no-bake peanut butter cheesecake.  It was delicious!  Here is the recipe!
 The cookies were a chocolate cherry cookie I make every year.
I love the tablescape Miss Norma had on her table.
 Her daughter made the adorable table runner.  She loves to quilt but lives an hour away, so we never get to quilt together.

 We had a gift exchange with a five dollar sewing notion.  I wrapped mine in fabric and added one of the ornaments that I had made.

 I found this cute sewing kit at my LQS, it has practically anything you would need on the go.
 My favorite part was the scene with the treadle.

I enjoy Christmas parties and baking for them, but two parties in one day made for a long day!

Have a great weekend ya'll!


Friday, December 2, 2016

Festive Feline Friday

Pippi decided that my Christmas Village would be a great place to hang out.
 It is not a very big village yet, I just buy houses as I find them at flea markets.  For now, my penguins are the "people" in the village.
 My gingerbread village is my favorite part of my village.  I'm hoping next year, to have a separate place for the gingerbread village.
This is my newest house.  I got it at Hobby Lobby for half off.
My cats have not been too bad about messing with my village, Pippi is the only one I have caught up there.  I'm researching on how I might want to display it next year.

This is a new tradition I just started a couple of years ago.  Do you have a favorite decorating tradition?
