Thursday, December 15, 2016

Presents Finished!

Ten days until Christmas!  I finally finished making my last four snappy bags.
My husband is such a sweetheart, he cut and taped my tape measures for my snappy bags, while I sewed.  He saved me a lot of time!

Except for the one I gave at a Christmas party, here are all of the snappy bags I made.  I am giving one to my niece for her to keep her Barbie accessories in.  

Here are some of the ornaments I made, ready to give.
Cupcake likes hanging out in the sewing room with me.  You can see pieces of fabric and thread all over the floor.  I really need to vacuum!
My student gave Oreo a Christmas collar.  He actually does not seem to mind it.  Cupcake and Pippi took it right off and Tiger will not let it near his head.

I had to share this girl's hair.  Don't you love the Star on her head?

I need to get busy and finish wrapping all of the presents and get them mailed off today!
My favorite gifts are gifts that are homemade, what about you?

These are my finishes for the week, I'll be very happy if I can actually finish my husband's bath robe.



  1. Wow, all I managed to to was a couple of flannel pillowcases and a few pj bottoms.

  2. Look at you go! The bags would make awesome gifts. Love those ornaments.

  3. Great going finishing your snappy bags. They look great!

  4. Congrats on your finishes!! I adore Oreo's collar - he looks very stately. Any chace you'll share a photo of how it's made! Bleu needs a collar but with all that fur it needs to be 2X or more.

  5. I simply love those snappy bags! My granddaughters and daughters would love them! If you made up the pattern, you'll have to share a tutorial with us! Hope your hand is better. Sending hugs to you today.

  6. One of these days I'll actually make a snap bag. I have the tape measure. I'm still working on things, since my elbow is really slowing me down. Things will just have to be late this year.

  7. What great bags! Your cats made me laugh!!


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