Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Conclusions

I hope you all had a great Christmas!  My husband heard me say several times that I wanted a little iron on a stick to press my seams open with.  For Christmas he bought me exactly what I wanted!  I have not had a chance to test it out, I've been busy packing up decorations before school starts up.  He also bought me a rotating mat, unfortunately he bought me the same size he got me a couple of years ago instead of the smaller size I wanted, however, at least he remembered I wanted one!

 Last week, before Christmas, we went to Kentucky and visited the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, and they had a huge Christmas Town.

 Ice skating at Fountain Square in Cincinnati, OH (I have always wanted to ice skate outside!)

 We also went to see the life size replica of Noah's Ark in Williamstown, KY.  It is a museum all about Noah's Ark and is pretty awesome!
We finished the week out by going to two Christmas parties on Friday, watching Christmas movies in our pajamas on Saturday, and church on Sunday with lunch afterwards.

I hope you had a good Christmas!



  1. Ive been wanting to make that drive to KY to both of those museums. So cool!

  2. We also are planning to see the Ark replica...hopefully this summer! Happy New Year!

  3. Your hubby did good. Love seeing all your adventures. To bad it is so warm here in Texas it would be so fun to just step outside and go ice skating on a lake. A girl can dream. lol!
    Happy New Year.


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