Thursday, March 16, 2017

Feline Friday on Quilts

It has been cold here lately.  I made my husband start a fire and then I pulled the chairs right by it.  Cupcake thought it was the perfect spot, she could sit on the stool with her front paws on my leg.  Of course she ended up in my lap.
 Instagram has been having a quilt-fest this month with each day a different topic.  Yesterday was a picture of a quilt with a loved one, my family are terrible about sending me pictures, so I had to take a picture of my cats using my husband's quilt.

 Here is a picture of Tiger and Squeeky on a quilt I won in a raffle from Confessions of a Fabric Addict .
 One day the subject on the Quilt-fest was solid colors in a quilt.  This was perfect, my solid colored cat on a quilt with solid colors.  This is an utility quilt my grandmother made me when I was a little girl.  Yes, it is polyester!  I don't think there is any batting in it either.  It is tied.  I used to go to sewing bees with my grandmother, at her church.  They would have me crawl under the quilt, then hand the needle to me so I could pass it back up to them, so they could tie the yarn.  I loved it!
Today, the quilt-fest was favorite quilt book.  How could I pick just one book?  I love books.  I just grabbed these six off the shelf.
I just wish I had more time to make more of these quilts, bags, and aprons.

Thank you joining me and my kitties today!



  1. I have loved all your Feline Friday posts, but this may be my FAV. Stay warm. Spring will arrive in your area soon.


  2. Your cats are so cute! Such wonderful memories with your grandma.

  3. Your Tiger sits like my Zorro - with arms outstretched. It's never looked comfy to me but the furkids don't seem to mind. I'm not surprised Cupcake landed in front of the fire - I would have too! It's the only wish I had for my house: a fireplace.

  4. All beautiful quilts! Your home looks so cozy! Take good care!


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