Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring Sonnet


Gone is the freezing cold,
Winter has lost it's icy hold.
The sun has sprung forth to stay,
And nature will come out to play.

The insects are starting to toil,
Worms tunneling through the soil.
Nature's workers are the ants and bees,
Lots of insects for us to see.

Daffodils pushing through the dirt,
Flowers of every kind and sort,
Reaching, grabbing the sunshine,
Budding grass and trees won't be left behind.

This beauty God has created,
To keep our soul captivated.
The robins and bluebirds come out to fly,
And our senses soar on high!

by Missy Shay


  1. Well, I slipped on ice this morning taking my grandson to school and it is 29 and all the snow is frozen like bricks. So, I guess I have to get a rain check on spring up in Buffalo!

  2. An hour from Buffalo we are also brisk but yes, Spring is on the horizon and as much as I enjoy the snow I also look forward to summer arriving.

  3. I feel so blessed! Here in Southern New Mexico everything is blooming and we are already in the 90's! In a way, it's concerning because it's so early in the season to be in the 90's. The sunshine feels good, though!

    Lovely poem, Missy! Thank you for sharing!


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