Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Blessedly Busy!

I have been busy, but in a fun way!  We had church Easter morning and evening.
I borrowed a vintage hat to wear with my old Easter dress, to make it fresh again.
Thursday last week was my Homemaker's Club and we discussed gardening tips.  Our secretary is ill, so I filled in for her.  I wrote my first article for the paper, it comes out tomorrow!  I can't wait to see my name in print!  Tuesday we had our Spring Fling when the clubs in three counties get together.  It was a lot of fun but a long day!

 Here are some things I picked up at the raffle at the TOGA a couple of weeks ago.

We also had quilt guild last Thursday.  We learned how to make the rope bowls that are so popular on Instagram right now.  I asked for this class.  One of the ladies held my rope taut for me as I twisted.
 I loved this tip of using the machine to hold my rope down.
It has been a slow process since I can only use two fingers on my left hand and it starts too ache after a while.  However, I have progress!
 My machine is set up in the living room.  I hope to finish it tomorrow since it is my day off.
We also planted marigolds in my rose gardens, I'm hoping it will help keep the bugs away from them.  Some of my rose bushes did not make it through the winter.  I am very sad.  I have an area in my yard I am trying to build up a rose garden.  If anyone has a good suggestion on a book on roses I would appreciate it.  Here is the area I am slowly building up, remember I just bought my house last year.  They fenced in the back yard a few yards away from the house, there is about 25-30 feet here to surround with roses.  I want to build a white gazebo here one day.



  1. Your are one busy gal! Congrats on your first article!

  2. My dad had beautiful roses. He pruned them quite short each year, even though we have harsh winters - and each year we though they wouldn't make it, but each time they came back more gorgeous than before. We tried it with our own rose bush (but not so short) and it did beautifully too. Not sure what to tell you, but it does seem they like the pruning in the fall after all the blooms are done.
    Congratulation on your first article. Your rope basket looks lovely!!

  3. I have the rope, to make the rope bowls, but never remember it when I pull out the ZZ machine. Yes, that area would look great with a gazebo.

  4. I love the rope bowl, I haven't seen it!


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