Friday, April 21, 2017

Feline Friday and No-Reply Blogger

The system kicked me out and I am now showing up as a no-reply blogger.  For those who do not know what a no-reply blogger is, it is when you comment on someone's blog and and the blogger is not able to respond to your comment.  I tried my normal fix it problems (I have a Google + profile), but Blogger has changed things around and I can't fix it now.   UPDATE:  This blog gave me a direct link to my edit profile on my Blogger page.  It is fixed now!

Now for the cuteness.  My poor babies have been freaked out by the storms.  They either hide under the bide, in the hallway, or on the stairs leading to the basement.

Have a great weekend ya'll!


  1. Sorry about the noreply thing (again). I'll try to check to see if you've commented as noreply lately.

  2. Did you recently connect your blog to Google+? I find doing that messes things up.

  3. Here is a link that may help you...

  4. The no reply thing has happened to me several times too! So frustrating!! Cute kitties!

  5. I LOVE when they put their paws out front while "lounging". I'm sorry to hear that everyone was afraid of your storms. My silly boy wanted to go out in one last night and there was no stopping him...


If you are a no reply blogger, check out these tutorials on how to fix it.
I cannot answer your questions unless you leave me an email address. otherwise!