Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wilcox and Gibbs Chainstitch Machine

I went to a yard sale today and saw this treadle.  I had to have it!  Can you blame me?  It is filthy and the top is in terrible condition.  But it was a great price.
I was on my way to the sew in day at the local art gallery.  Judy had asked me to help her convert a 99 she bought, into a hand crank.  The wiring was shot on it.  She had already cleaned it up some and I showed her how I cleaned a machine and the materials I use.  When we started, it did not want to turn, but after cleaning and oiling her, she works like a charm!
While she worked on her machine, I worked on cleaning my new machine.

After three hours of cleaning, this is how she looked.  She still needs some more cleaning, but already looks a lot better!
I can't wait to finish cleaning her up and find out more information about her.
I'm not sure where to find the serial number at.  If anyone can tell me, I would appreciate it!


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

What I've been up to

 Wednesday is the last day of homeschooling for me.  My student's grandmother is able to start homeschooling her full time again.  This is good, but I will miss teaching her and I know the cats will miss having a girl to play with.
I had been praying about what I wanted to do for a job.  I would need Mondays off in June and July to teach my sewing class for young ladies, the second Thursdays of the month off for my homemaker's club and quilt meetings.  I have ladies Bible Study on the second and fourth Fridays of the month.  Church on Sundays and Wednesday nights, not to mention a few Saturdays a month to spend with my husband.  I also need to clean my house and have time to quilt, however we still need money coming in.  We want to pay the house off before my husband retires and we just bought it a year ago.

I  went to my first Pampered Chef party after my husband and I had only been married about a year, 21 years ago.  We were in Rhode Island for a job interview for my husband, at a church. The ladies at the church invited me to a Pampered Chef party.  I had never heard of Pampered Chef, did not know how to cook, and had never been to a cooking party before.  I was in awe and still remember that party.  Over the years I have had a few Pampered Chef parties and thought, "I could do that and have a lot of fun!".  I just hosted a Pampered Chef party on Facebook, I live in Missouri and the consultant lived in Virginia.  I decided to become a consultant.  The hours fit perfectly into my schedule and how much money I make and how much I work depends on me.

I am really excited about this new business venture of mine!  I have my own website and a new email address and am open for business!  I am currently seeking women and men who want to host parties.  I can do catalog parties, Facebook parties, and house parties as far as Springfield MO.  I live in Ava, MO.  I can also do wedding showers and gift registries.  What a great way to start off a new marriage!

Here is my website:

Here is my email address for my business:

Please pray for my new business!

Proverbs 31:14-24
"  She is like the merchants’ ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
  She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
  She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
  She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
  She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
  She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
  She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
  She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
  She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
  Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant."

Saturday, May 20, 2017


This week on Instagram someone asked, "what inspires you when making a quilt?".
There are several things that inspire me.
The first "thing" is my family.  This is my niece, Johnna, and the quilt I made for her a few years ago.  When a make a quilt for someone, I want it to be one I know they will love and that will reflect their personality.
I am also inspired by magazines and books.  I love to just read them and look at all of the pictures.  I have more quilt related books in my sewing room also.
I am also inspired by other quilters at my local quilt guild.  We learned how to do trapunto on Thursday night.  Marla Yeager, one of our members, gave the lesson.  This is the sample Marla made.

 There were also a few quilts that were shared.  The nirds were from terry cloth and it was all hand stitched.  It was almost a casualty of the flooding we recently had, but she was able to save it.
 Don't you love these crayons?
I am also inspired by my fellow bloggers.  I appreciate all of the hard work my "bloggy" friends put into their posts and their willingness to answer my endless questions.
Thank you friends for all of your inspirations that you share to others.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Feline Friday

I found one of my old Strawberry Shortcake figurines this week!  This is Apricot.  I have probably had her for 35 years.  I had everything Strawberry Shortcake when I was little, I think I may still have a couple more.
I caught this picture of Cupcake trying to knock it off the desk with her nose.
Here is Pippi sitting on the bench enjoying the cool breeze.
Cupcake and Muffin were curled up together on the Papasan chair.  See that leg?

 Here is Cupcake asleep on the guest bed.
Have you ever made salads in a jar?  Here are some super easy ways to make them using Pampered Chef products.
You can order any of these products from my party until Saturday, May 13 at noon.

Pampered Chef has a new Make and Take mason jar set that is perfect for salads in a jar.  The lid is a container for nuts, etc. There is also a bag to carry the jars in.
You can see it here.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sew Sweet Bee

I finished my block for the Sew Sweet Bee.  I am behind on my April block because of my broken finger last month.  Denny asked us for this cute pineapple block.  She asked us to make the greenery taller by adding another row of green.
Here is a copy of the pattern.

There are a lot of cute quilts on Instagram that were made with this block.

If you want to see the blocks everyone is making for the Sew Sweet Bee, check out the hashtag #sewsweetbee2017 on Instagram.  You can find me on Instagram as redheaded_cat_lady .

I hope to have some time to quilt this weekend!


You can still join my Pampered Chef party here:

Saturday at noon is the last time you can order from my party.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Hideaway, book review

The first thing my husband mentioned when I got this book was that it was very similar to my painting in the Living Room.  He was right!  This is my favorite painting.  I love the cover and the name of the book.

The Hideaway is Lauren K. Denton's first book.  She wove a great story of how the life of Sarah's grandmother, Mags, inadvertently affected Sarah's life.  The Hideaway switches back and forth between Mag's life and Sarah's life.  The story is a great story line and very well written.

Sara has to return to Sweet Bay when her grandmother, who raised her after her parents' death, passes away.  She plans to return to her thriving business in New Orleans within a few days.

Sara stays in Sweet Bay to renovate the house she grew up in, she thought it would be simple to fix up the old house and return to New Orleans to her business, it wasn't.
Sarah discovers things about Mags, she never knew.  It opens her eyes to realize she did not know her grandmother as well as she thought.
She is forced to make a choice between the house and her life in New Orleans when a land developer tries to steal her house.
The only thing about this book that I did not like, is that I was expecting a faith-based book since the publishing company is Thomas Nelson Christian Publishing Company.  The book talks about how an adulterous affair was okay since her husband was an adulterer, there is a lot of drinking and getting drunk.  Nothing about the Christian faith or repentance.  I am very disappointed with Thomas Nelson for printing books that are not Christian books.  When I get a book from a Christian publishing company, I expect a Christian book.  Thomas Nelson seems to be getting away from publishing exclusively Christian books and it makes me sad.
I received this book for review from BookLook Bloggers.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Pansy Cake

I've been super busy the past couple of days making a birthday cake for an eightieth birthday.  I made pansies out of buttercream for the first time.

 I make the cake and buttercream from scratch, I can't stand store bought frosting.
Miss Norma is one of the sweetest and Godliest ladies I know.  I felt honored to be able to make her cake for her.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Feline Friday

Don't forget about my Pampered Chef party.  You can join the party here:

Or if you just want to order from my party, you can find the catalog and link here:

You can always host your own party too and I will get credit also, if you host through my party consultant.  My party closes May 13.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Flooding and a Half Square Triangle Tip

Saturday I cleaned up my guest room which had become a type of storage room over the winter.  I decided to turn it into a TV room.  This is as far as I got before I realized that my basement was flooding.
We caught it before it got too bad, however my classroom area flooded.  I have been busy with clean up all week.  I live in Missouri.  A lot of people had it a lot worse than I did however.
It has not left me much time to sew.
Last week, I'm not sure how, but I got my bobbin stuck in my Singer 99.  I put it in crooked and it stuck fast before I could get it back out.  I did get it to lay flat.  I have not had a chance to try to fix it after I got it back home, I was at a sew day.  I will probably have to take the bobbin casing apart, sigh.
I was shown this tip for sewing half square triangles.  Instead of drawing a line, you can lay a post-it-note corner to corner and follow that line.
Don't forget about my Pampered Chef party.  You can join the party here:

Or if you just want to order from my party, you can find the catalog and link here:

You can always host your own party too and I will get credit also, if you host through my party consultant.  My party closes May 13.

Have a great day ya'll!
Please continue to pray for the flooded areas of Missouri.


Monday, May 1, 2017

Pampered Chef

I am having an online Pampered Chef party and would like to invite you to attend.  Pampered Chef is a great gift for Mother's Day, for all the mothers in your life and yourself.
I love Pampered Chef, it is good quality that lasts a long time!
I scrolled through my phone looking for pictures of stuff that I have used and taken pictures of previously (my basement flooded this weekend, so there was no time for cooking or pictures!)
Here is apicture of a set of plates I bought. (Disclaimer, the dishes might not still be sold today, they are old.  Check out the part for new products.)  Perfect for lava cakes or any snack, dessert, or appetizer.
 My pizza stone makes the best pizzas.  They can be used for a lot of stuff, not just pizzas.
 Dessert bowls.  They are the perfect size for me, whether it is ice cream, yogurt, or cereal.
 Here is my messy counter when I bake!  I use my measuring bowl a lot, my favorite partt is that it has a lid, which is perfect for pancake batter and frosting.

I also use my chopper for easy cutting of veggies and my scoopers are always used for scooping cupcake batter, cookie batter, and pancake batter.

Even if you might not want to buy something, go ahead and join the party, we will be offering recipes and cooking tips.  You can join in here:

If you just want to order and skip the party, you can go here to order and look at the catalog:

Hope to see you there!